Mead Kalemonarian



1 year, 13 days ago



⋆ Mead ⋆

" Hey baby girl, want to join a gang? "

Mead has a large personality. She and her brother might as well be twins with the way they act. They both are large and out there people who prefer to be in the lime light, and to not shut up if something isn't right. This makes them good people in the sense that they won't hesitate to stop someone when they're doing sketchy shit, but this also makes them bad people in the sense they both won't hesitate to knock someone's teeth out if they're doing sketchy shit. Both have had their fair share of fights, both of them having been deep within sparring sessions in their youth. Their mentalities are meant to make them out as the biggest within the room. Muscle wise, and in just about everything else. On Mead's side she's much more laid back than her brother, and statistically, is less likely to beat someone black and blue at the drop of a hat. You're more likely to find her sitting in a ray of sunlight on a pile of moss. Definitely ignoring everything surrounding her, and most definitely unaware of however might want to sneak up on her.

by iinvy helped by LowkeyWicked