Hamato Catarina (TMNT: Fast Forward Counterpart)



1 year, 8 days ago


Rini's Fast Forward counterpart is not too terribly different from her Time Force counterpart, but here, she's merely a student (and eventual Power Ranger) at Time Force Academy and had just came home for the summer when the Hamato clan and Moon Blossoms were brought into Cody and his younger sister Kasey Jones's penthouse by Serling.  While initially angry that Cody tampered with a time machine (something that went against Time Force's rules on keeping the timeline in tact), she calms down upon realizing that it was simply an accident and decides to help Cody return everyone back to their time.  She, much like Cody, gets along greatly with her great-grandfather Donnie because of their intelligent, but also serves as a big sister figure to her cousins and the future Mighty Mutanimals.  Rini is also Hamato Mason's (the great-grandson of Raphael and Mona Lisa) second-in-command due to him being the leader and the oldest.  She was also suspicious of Darius Dunn due to him reminding her of her ex Verminator-X (his real name is Manx Claws) and was proven right when Darius ultimately confesses to being in league with the alien warlord Sh'Okanabo to take O'Neil Tech for himself.  After defeating both villains, Rini and Cody were able to send the Hamato clan and Moon Blossoms back to the past, just as her new school year at Time Force Academy is a few days away from starting.

The turtles don't see Rini again until both Verminator-X and Armaggon (a mutant shark criminal) enter the past to destroy the timeline in which the turtles and their allies are accepted and continued their linages and she has become a full-fledged Power Ranger with her own Ranger team (she's Time Force Purple).  Her love interest in Fast Forward is Landor Solo, a human boy that she's been lifelong friends with after her failed relationship with Manx Claws/Verminator-X and after Wingnut had developed a powerful infatuation on her.  The two got together after managing to kill Armaggon and Landor confesses his feelings for her after saving her from Verminator-X's blast.  This prompted Verminator-X to surrender as the whole reason he went into the past to rewrite history was for Rini.  Landor is Time Force Blue while Merrik Dirkins (she's the great-granddaughter of Angel Bridge and Woody Dirkins) is Time Force Green.