
1 year, 9 days ago





Species: Human

Age: late 20s/early 30s

Birthday: May 27

Height: 5ft 4in 

Build: plus-size


Gender: Female 

Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: straight

Style: feminine/androgynous


June is a former holder of an enchanted necklace that pulls the wearer through the multiverse under the control of a magical being. She wasn’t the first and she certainly isn’t the last, but what’s special about her is the fact that she survived. (The necklace is notorious for bringing people to their untimely deaths). After a chain of unfortunate events leading to a fall off a cliff she barely survived, the magical being, Fantasy, assumed she was dead and transferred the necklace to someone else, effectively stranding June in a universe that isn’t her own. She is trapped in this other universe for years, eventually settling down and building a life for herself. That is until the most recent necklace-bearer shows up, bringing old memories back to the surface.


Currently does not have any powers or abilities, but used to have the same ones that Jayce had while in possession of the necklace.

  • Could travel though the multiverse using the necklace, but has no control of when/where they go.
  • In moments of dire need could "force a jump" to a random universe, but the amount of energy needed makes the jump barely survivable  
  • Did not physically age while in possession of the necklace


June is rather reserved, not known for being very outgoing. She has a few friends but isn’t much of a people person. It took her a while to get back on her feet after her accident, and being away from everything she’s known for years left her hesitant to get too attached to anyone while mourning the life she had in her home universe. She also tends to be somewhat of a mother figure to her friends, and especially to Jayce when they arrive- trying to  offer guidance she wished she had. She’s very calm and levelheaded, but deep down still has an intense anger at Fantasy and her situation.

Relationships & Interactions: 

  • Fantasy- Definitely on bad terms with them, which does tend to happen when someone steals you away from home then abandons you in some other universe half-dead. Initially, Fantasy doesn’t even know June is still alive, but finds out when Jayce arrives in the universe they left June in and the two meet.
  • Jayce- June encounters Jayce when they’re transported to the universe she’s stuck in. She immediately recognizes the necklace and the two meet. June tries to act as a sort of mentor to Jayce, giving them tips on how to survive the multiverse. The two of them begin to plan how to defeat Fantasy, but they’re separated quickly.
  • Anyone else! 

Drawing Ideas:

  • Interactions with Fantasy and/or Jayce
    • Encountering Jayce for the first time 
    • Giving Jayce advice 
    • Conflict with/confronting Fantasy
  • The flashback design in alternate universes/other outfits or with other characters 
  • Angst/emotions (sad, angy)