Avery and Caad



1 year, 12 days ago


Avery is a creation of the time god Tivon, becoming a sentient robot with a soul and learning of culture and the world in the span of an instant. Avery clung to the movies and shows and feel of adventure! When given the choice to wake up now and fight, or stay asleep till the war of the gods was over, Avery chose to wake the hell up now! Let me OUT!   Once awake, Avery met a Mr. Satan who gave him a new friend in the form of a mask, Caad the Beholdr. Together with their love of movies and adventure, they betray Tivon at the drop of a hat and get the hell outta town! TIME FOR ADVENTURE.

After years of adventuring, Avery meets new friends and eventually joins Team Consumables! (Cooper, Xaath, Cal, and Asher). After years of adventuring together with adventures good and small.... they are  given a job. Explore a whole new world! Traverse the Void to new Adventures! A world...with just coordinates and no information... a mission: go scout... find out if the gods are shit, are elderbrains there?  On the way a magic accident happens, and Avery and thier team's souls are pulled from their bodies and isekai'd into babbies into this new world. Avery is separated from his friends, in a new Teifling Body, and Caad is who knows where?  Avery sets out on a new adventure in a whole new world, and hopefully find his friends.... after he learns to walk...and eat....and to breathe.

Avery meets his new parents who are Ruin Delvers that go to far off lands to explore the forgotten relics! His dad is a Tiefling, His mom a Human that met in the Passion Lands and Fell in Love. Accompanied by his Uncle Bogdan (a lizardman race called The Zie) Avery grows up in a land of exploration! Until one day after learning his mother was part of a secret organization, they investigate some interesting ruins that may hold the key to the secret Bogdan and his Zie people have been looking for. However, before they can discuss these new revelations, Avery wakes up in the nearby town alone, not a soul in site. The ENTIRE town, including his parents and Uncle Bogdan have vanished without a trace. After performing a ballad to the God of Adventure, Avery picks up his banjo and begins looking again for his Asharian Isekai'd friends so they can investigate the mystery of his vanished family together.