


1 year, 23 days ago


Kit Name: Otterkit

Apprentice/Medicine Cat Apprentice Name: Otterpaw

Medicine Cat Name: Ottersplash

Gender: Male 

Rank: Medicine Cat 

Apprentice: Stonespot

Former Clan: Riverclan

Status: Deceased 

Cause of Death: Drowned in flood 

Ottersplash began their training as a warrior. However, after a battle lead to both his sister bleeding out in front of him and Ottersplash taking a life for the fist time as well as getting fairly seriously injured himself Ottersplash began seriously reconsidering his choice to become a warrior. He found himself terrified of going into battle again and the idea of hurting another cat, even if it was for the right reasons, made him nauseous. 

Even after Ottersplash recovered from his battle injuries he found himself thinking up ever excuse possibly to get out of battle training, hunting and helping gather herbs and moss instead as much as he could. His mentor eventually caught on to what he was doing and spoke with Ottersplash about whether he might feel better training as a medicine cat and being able to learn to heal rather than hurt. Ottersplash liked the idea of being a healer and ask to change his apprenticeship soon after there talk with his mentor. 

The clan's medicine cat at the time was Ottersplash's former mentor's sister and had a bit of a temper. At first she thought Ottersplash only became her apprentice to avoid having to fight instead of truly wanting to be a healer and was pretty tough on Ottersplash at first. Ottersplash took all the sharp words in stride and worked hard to learn everything he could. When it become clear that Ottersplash genuinely wanted to learn how to help heal the sick and injured his mentor eased up but still had a temper, as she had had all her life. 

Ottersplash became very talented at dealing with short tempered and combative patients after training under his temperamental mentor and did still end up learning some additional basic fighting moves from her even as a medicine cat apprentice. 

After the death of his mentor Ottersplash took on Stonespot as an apprentice. Ottersplash emphasized compassion and patience a great deal during Stonespot's apprenticeship, teaching's that Stonespot would try to pass on to his own apprentice but would fail. 

Ottersplash died when heavy rain caused the Riverclan camp to flood. Ottersplash stayed behind until every other cat had made it out of camp, helping where he could. He ended up getting swept up by the rushing water and drowned. Ottersplash was led to Starclan by his sister and died content, knowing that he had done good during his life.