♡ Umi ♡



6 years, 1 month ago



Gender female
Age adult
Status shipped
Sexuality demisexual
Build 5'7" lean and strong
Profession surf instructor
Slot free
Edits hair, fur, tail, ears

feisty . passionate . unrelenting

Words words words.


  • Shy
  • The ocean
  • Sushi
  • Anything pink


  • Finn
  • Birds, especially seagulls
  • Losing contests
  • Showers



Umi is the definition of spitfire. She's a fighter that never gives up. Her life was a little rocky at the beginning though. At a young age, her father Finn gave her up to Oni for her to raise. Oni, having already raised two of his children on her own, took her in and raised her like her own. Umi shared a strong connection with Oni, seeing her as both a mother and a friend. When Umi began going to school she realized that her situation was different than the other kids whose parents were much older, biological, and didn't live on a boat. When the other kids began making fun of Umi for being 'the sailor girl's kid', she began to lash out. From grade school on, Umi made a name for herself as the school bully. She owned the title and was very proud of herself bringing lunch money home to Oni. It was only when she finally got her butt kicked that she was put in her place... and given a newfound determination to take up boxing to beat that bitch Kyra up. This is when she found her crush and super-hot muscle man, Shy, who she pestered into a skeptical friendship.

As Umi got a bit older, she began to chill out more. Boxing finally gave her a better outlet to express her frustrations and she realized her passion for the ocean could extend past a hobby. She took up surfing competitively, which sparked some intense competitive spirits. Along with this she got closer to Shy, her senpai. This was a good time for Umi where she experienced growth and reflection, realizing more and more that even though her living situation was different than most it wasn't bad. All in all, she enjoyed her childhood. Just as things were looking up though, Umi's life changed and she had to grow up too soon. Finn, having an emotional and mental crack, demanded 'his daughter' Umi and took her in the night before sailing away on his pirate ship. Umi was held under house arrest on his ship. She hated Finn for taking her away from her home and would stay locked in a cabin room for hours. As time passed though, she found herself taking more care of Finn than he did her. Despite the many opportunities to escape, Umi stayed out of guilt and obligation to her biological father. After a few years, Umi decided to leave. She was no longer as resentful to her father as before and instead pitied him. In leaving, she left him with a note on a napkin "you took what was left of my childhood. It's time for you to grow up, like I did."

When Umi returned home, she picked up right where she left off....

Time with Finn

Words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words



Hates showers because it's a waste of time after she's already gotten clean in the ocean

Her fur is brittle and coarse because of the sea water

Smells like salt water and coconut sun screen

She's brighter than she seems. While she doesn't have a lot of book smarts or common knowledge but she's incredibly smart in areas of interest (muscle groups, aquatic life, food and diet)

Loves anime and shark week

She laughs at bloody, horror movies. Gore is gross, but if it's comically excessive then she'll laugh because she knows it's ridiculous

Her pride and joy was a pet fish that died after 3 years. Umi cried for days

For the longest time, she only sought to annoy Shy and bring dishonor to his family. When she realized he was actually much tougher than she thought, she wanted him to train her so she could beat up kids

She started to crush on him somewhere down the line and her silly comments about him being her 'husband/senpai/hot muscle man' became more genuine

When Shy told her he liked her back, she didn't believe him




[ senpai/boyfriend ]

Umi's crush, boyfriend, and senpai. She bothers him, leaves a mess in his appartment, and who really knows what he sees in this gremlin. But for Umi, he's her world and she loves him (and also swoons when he rage breaks something).



[ adoptive mother ]

Being left behind by Finn, Oni was the sole one responsible for raising Umi. Umi loves her tired, sad teen mom and would move mountains for her. The only thing she won't do for Oni is break up with Shy.



[ biological father ]


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