Vienna Beau



1 year, 20 days ago



Vienna Beau


"Perhaps the most level-headed seamstress in Welcome Home! Vienna is a very gentle and sincere resident! She aspires to never let anyone down. She will help any neighbour with whatever they need. Clothes? Yes! Repair? You got it! Vienna is a neighbour you can rely on!"

Due to old findings of scripts and merchandise, she has been depicted playing and helping around the neighbourhood! From what was uncovered, she has come from outside of Welcome Home. It is unknown where. Vienma is assumed to have had a familial relationship with Eddie Dear, the local postman! They seem to have come from the same place. Funnily enough, Vienna is also a bit of an airhead, so she does unknowingly play in on the running-gag of forgetfulness with Eddie!

Her segments in the puppet show are assumed to be teaching the viewer patience and kindness! According to old scripts, her skits also included her job as a seamstress! Other segments included Vienna playing games with Julie and Frank, painting with Wally, and helping Poppy with baking! It is never a boring time with Vienna in the kitchen!

In merchandise and advertising, Vienna was often depicted with Eddie or Wally! She has also had a musical number called “Sing with me!” (No track found.)

From the old documents that listed the script of the song, it is shown to have Vienna wanting Wally to sing with her while rehearsing to perform in one of Sally’s plays! From what is found, Vienna seems to be encouraging him. Now isn't that sweet of her?