Vance Arkhalis



1 year, 23 days ago


Vance Arkhalis | He/Him (Transmasc) | 20 | 8'1" | Anthean | Artificer/Cleric
TL;DR: Big man. Gap moe stoic tsundere with a gentle heart. Nerds out over tech.
Likes: Snow, Ice, Vehicles, Cool Devices, Machines in General, Interesting Tech, Sports, Long naps, Building things, Driving, Cozy places, Soft things, Coffee and bitter foods, small fluffy animals
Dislikes: Fire, Lava, Heat, Weapons of mass destruction, senseless fighting, his largeness because it's highly inconvenient (man too big), cultists, his crappy luck

- OC for a scifi campaign I'm in! I like him way too much.
- Antheans are a race in the campaign's setting- they're based off of gargoyles, hence the wings and gray complexion. His skin is also pretty tough. Guy who is a boulder.
- Very stoic and brooding on the outside, but a big softie on the inside (he's bad at expressing himself, though.) Actually just shy/quiet/bad with people but his exterior is more terse than he actually is.
- Sensitive and caring, he's just a massive tsundere and is afraid of losing people. Selfless. Humble. Quick to protect others despite insisting he doesn't care.
- Can be a pessimistic doomer if left to his own devices. Extremely fatigued. Severely depressed. This is just a sadboy.
- Huge mechanics/engineering nerd, hence his class combination. Loves machines. Working on them is the one thing that gives him solace on this bitch of an earth. He will infodump if given the chance-
- Very afraid of fire/lava/extreme heat because he died by getting thrown into a volcano by crazy cultists. Yeah.
- Big fan of the football equivalent in his setting.
- Had an upbringing in a place which I'd probably compare to Texas but like if Texas was in the north pole. Yeehaw (cold).
- He fights with a big metal box. Usually just bludgeons people with it while discharging energy through it like a conduit, but he can also shoot things with it and turn it into other weapons. It always has the same black metal with orange/blue energy.
- Feel free to mess around with the details on his outfit if you want.
- erm he's destined to be gay for one of his besties but it's a slow burn. a work in progress. It's what happens when you put two constipated men together happy pride
- jk they ARE gay and BOYFRIENDS look at him