


11 months, 25 days ago





Unexplained phenomena & xenobio log - Species 039 - "PUPBY" - Report 001.

Dr. ████████, lead xenozoologist on the earthbound ship ██████████. Day one with subject 001 of unknown species 039.

Subject appears to be pseudo-canine in appearance. The exact nature of its species is yet unknown, as our initial standard DNA tests have been completely unsuccessful - his chemical makeup is completely foreign to our equipment. Much further testing required on this matter.

He appears to be able to control the gravitational force around him, choosing whether or not to float. It is unclear how this is possible - the "floating" bears no similarity to Earthly means of flight.

Speaking with selective mutism, the subject prefers to express ideas through physical comedy and complex "charades"-like games. His personality is unpredictable, though all engagement thus far has proven it to harbor no ill will towards researchers. He is responsive to stimuli, and appears very curious about unfamiliar objects. Common responses include flapping his paws, gentle chewing (possibly has a "soft mouth", much like Earth labrador dogs), and a back and forth rocking motion that can be best described as "wiggling". He enjoys hiding from researchers, popping out to "scare" them before floating around excitedly.

Though it may be more subjective than a research document should be, I must note that our initial time with the subject has been remarkably pleasant. "PUPBY", as he has been affectionately nicknamed, seems to be as receptive to our testing as we are excited to learn more about him.

Unexplained phenomena - Species 039 - "PUPBY" - Report 010.

Dr. █████, transcribing for Dr. ████████'s session with sub001spec039.

Subject 001039 has taken particular interest in lead researcher ████████, preventing him from typing reports by blocking the holopad with its paws, seeming to insist on having his full attention. As his assistant, I will resume the logs herein.

Constant enrichment is a must for 001039. If left to its own devices, 001039 will take apart his enclosure piece by piece, and maintenance is already displeased with the amount of tickets we submit. 001039 takes well to complex cognitive reasoning puzzles. If it must be left alone for any reason, please provide it with an enrichment toy from inventory.

Plans are being drawn to introduce 001039 to select other subjects from the xenobio wing, in a controlled environment. Given 001039's temperment, we feel it may be a good candidate for Earth-ambassador status. If introductions to other species goes well, we may fast track 001039 for this position.


Fun-loving Pupby is an alien of unknown origin, now vacationing on an Earthbound research spaceship while they perform tests on him!

Pupby is excited by Earth items, and loves figuring out new toys. The tests he's been subjected to so far have been fun, and the scientists all seem to adore him, but will this newfound peace last...?


Who knows! It won't tell you. He's not from here, and he's giving you the impression that he could leave at any time. Keep entertaining it, and it'll stick around! Probably!



One day, Pupby showed up knocking on RUF's door. This was particularly surprising considering RUF lives in a ship surrounded by the vaccuum of space. RUF opened the airlock for it, to which Pupby let himself in like an old friend, curiously floating around the ship and picking up random items. RUF continued his mechanic work all the while, keeping an eye on the mysterious creature. After a while of exploring, Pupby waved goodbye and left. Ever since then, it has taken to showing up randomly and parallel playing with RUF. They are both just weird enough to let this happen.



They eat garbage together. Mmm, heavy metals!