

1 year, 16 days ago
Trade Listing


Hello all!! Today I will be releasing my grubs only gatcha, as well as a new FTE. please read the whole message before commenting.

Rolls are 300 grubs. There are no Autobuys, but you can trade amongst yourselves. Please comment for a roll in the correct thread with your discord. You must be in the terralien discord in order to get a roll. Please ensure you can pay upfront. You may see who you’ve rolled before you pay, and if you do not like them you don’t have to pay or keep them. But there are no rerolls. If you wish to trade with someone else you may.

For the FTE! All you need to do is favorite this post and comment when done in the correct thread. It ends in 24 hours. Here’s the thread! https://toyhou.se/~comments/25098178

The gatcha opens at 12:00AM Central time. Any comments before then will not be counted. But you may recomment once it is open. Here’s the thread for the gatcha! https://toyhou.se/~comments/25098197

As usual, my normal rules are in place. Do not sell for more than you paid for without extra art (your own counts), do not turn into an original species, and do not trade in under a week.