
8 years, 7 months ago


Name: Bane
Gender: Male
Age: Adult?


Rarities: Modified Wings, Amber Cruxis (One Ear inner side)
Hobbies: Sleeping, Uh singing when not sleeping, and... Oh boy... Attacking the fools who wake him up...

Lets just let sleepy Slynix lay...

Bane will be the Slynix Mascot and is a Tamed Domesticated Slynix... Who's forgotten how to take care of himself completely. He likes being Pampered and loves to be petted. Though if he lands on you chances are you'll have to stay the night. He's a hellion when woken with a scream that can scare the living daylights out of the unsuspecting. Bad news is that most people have to be really quiet all the time around him because he sleeps 18 to 20 hours a day.

He enjoys cuddling poor Misha and drives poor London insane. While he's the eldest of the manor trio he acts like a baby.