Clay Morpiron



6 years, 29 days ago

Basic Info

Age/Birthday: 122, December 28

Pronouns: He/Him

Height: 3' 11"

Species: Dwarf

Kingdom: Innerworks, Mountain Kingdom

Weapon of Choice: Pickax

Teammates: Geo and Sapphire

Likes: building, working hard, hanging out at the bar with geo and sapphire, rufus because hes a cool dude

Dislikes: keeping secrets, the constant worry about geo, the return of the dragons, nightmares

Wanted Reward: a holiday




A rather old man who was around when the dragon wars were happening. he worked in the mines and one of the people to create and form place that the kingdom of Innerworks would come to make home in, years to come. 

when he was young and working under the dragons tyranny, he was one of the first to jump to the revolutionary against the dragons.  by his side his best friend Sapphire he fought off the dragons following their leaders rufus, yogurt, and titus. 

they were close and when their leaders were approached by a group looking to get rid of the dragons with an ancient secret spell that would banish taimat and all the dragon overlords who have aligned themselves with taimat.

Yogurt offered himself to the cause while titus and rufus had to stay behind and protect the young Innerworks when the final assault against the revolution will happen. 

when the seven heros went to face taimat the rest of the dragons in alliance to her went into a final rage before they would be disappear. Clay and Sapphire was almost killed while trying to help fight them offer from destroying Innerworks and were saved by Titus who in the end gave his life to keep them and the rest of Innerwork safe.

Clay admires what those three did and works hard to build Innerworks into a better place for the future of those who make their home here. he close with rufus still and sapphire and their new friend geo. 

the three of them have competed in the peaceful races between the kingdoms for many many years and are very proud of their kingdom