




The Clownfish

"Just because a man lacks the use of his eyes doesn't mean he lacks vision."


Leymen Colony
School Founder
Your Mother
Kai, Manny, Mana
September 1st

Kaimana is a grupup that lives in Leymen's Colony by the shore. She loves the beach and running, though unable to enjoy them because of her chair. That does not stop her from trying to enjoy her life to the fullest extent possible, she found ways to redesign wheels to be able to travel through sand, she opened a school for children like her, and she evens has her own freelance company that helps make places more disabled friendly. She made peace that she won't walk again, but it doesn't stop her from living. Who know's what adventures she'd go on next.


I opened my eyes to the sound of chattering, the soft hum of the wind engulfing my ears as a bright white light hit my eyes. I turned away and felt the soft grass from wherever I was standing. The sounds, the light, oh how it was too much for my little self to handle. The chattering stopped for a moment and I was lifted from the ground, these things with long legs, some limbs to hold me upward, and a soft fluffy head covering, they seemed to speak in a language that was foreign to whatever I was able to understand. I won't lie and say I did not panic. I indeed bit their arm and ran towards a random direction, what I had yet to realize is that I was running into the water. They wanted to keep me away but I was too slippery and fast for the large creatures.

As I jumped into the water, I could hear their horrified screams burst out as the splash of the cool ocean hit my skin. I couldn't hear what happened afterward, muffled screams, splashes of larger beings. All I could properly know what to do was swim, as far as my little legs were able to. Unfortuantely it wasn't long before they were able to capture me once more. These beings seemed to be crying, holding me as if I were a minute away from dying. They were quick to dry me off, the uncomfortable feeling of their fabirc rubbing up on my skin seemed to frusterate me more.

I won't say I enjoyed my first memories. They were frusterating at best, Some day, maybe I will understand, not now of course.

II: Run Little Lamb (Unlocks at 1 Link)
III: The Accident (Unlocks at 3 Links)
IV: The Hospital (Unlocks at 5 Links)
V: Where Now? (Unlocks at 10 Links)
VI: Soft Breeze, Summer Air (Unlocks at 20 Links)
VII: The Cycle Starts Again (Unlocks at 40 Links)

Combat Assessment

She is not afraid to bite. Though her chair affects the way she moves, she's great with far range attacks"

  • Physical attack
  • Movement Speed
  • Attack Speed
  • Intelligence
  • Elemental Ability
  • Health
  • Endurance
  • Supportive Utility
"Ever felt the power of a school in one person?"

Water Immunity | Water can't hurt me bay beeeeee

Electrical Immunity | Ouch that fence hurt- jkjk I'm fine

Pain Immunity | Ha you can't hurt meee

Hands on learning | I have never done it before, but I am gay, so how hard can it be?

Strong Swimmer | HA You can't swim, but I can now

Laughter Sceptor | Forced to giggle, born to gahfa.


Likes & Dislikes
  • The beach
  • Agua
  • Building
  • Arts n Crafts
  • Friends
  • The Sunset
  • Towels
  • Fire (Can Kill Her)
  • Clothes
  • Biggots
  • Feeling Dry
  • Ur Dad (she wanrs ur mom)

Design stuff

"Everyone is beautiful in someone's eyes"

  • Eye Traits: Cosmos Pupil [M] ✧ Black Sclera [B]
  • Head Traits: Circle Skull [B] ✧ No Nose [B] ✧ Dumbo Ears [M] ✧ No Horns [B] ✧ Short Tongue [B]
  • Jelly & Bone Traits: 3 Jelly Colors [A] ✧ Jelly on Neck, Torso, Tail, & Calves [A] ✧ Sparkly Jelly [M] ✧ Normal Bones [B]
  • Body Traits: Pawed Feet [B] ✧ Thick Arms [B] ✧ Fish Tail [A] ✧ No Wings [B]


38257192_Jn1BcHrLVNwFqWL.png?1628293431 Character Name | Relationship
Here the character is talking and describing their relationship with/views on another character. Character talking about sprite to left, character talking sprite to right. Works best with 2-4 sentences.
38283594_n078hMOKIpoG07a.png?1628354953 Character Name | Relationship
Here the character is talking and describing their relationship with/views on another character. Character talking about sprite to left, character talking sprite to right. Works best with 2-4 sentences.
38121905_yDi1lI4LC2Lq3D6.png?1628036504 Character Name | Relationship
Here the character is talking and describing their relationship with/views on another character. Character talking about sprite to left, character talking sprite to right. Works best with 2-4 sentences.