


5 years, 11 months ago


Name: Lilia

Age:  22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi

Relations: None

Location: New York (Before Anmerita)

Birthday: 4/18

Personality: Lilia is very upbeat and outgoing. Always going for what she wants. This often gets her into trouble however. She is quite charming and uses her inoccent look and her charm to get her out of trouble quite often.

Appearance: Lilia has black hair with a blue sheen that She often wears up in different styles. Her favorite being a style that was popular in New York around the time she left called "space buns". She is average height with green eyes and pale skin.

Lilia LOVES fashion, bring styles she remembers from earth into her designs. She doesn't really have a specific style, more of just her designs and what's trending, anything from off the shoulder flowy tops to gothic and steam punk Lolita styles. There are very few things she won't wear those being, the color orange, plaid, and overalls.

Fighting Style: Lilia carries a dagger on her at all times in case she were to get into trouble, although she's only had to actually use it once, most times she's able to talk her way out of fights.

Other: Lilia lives in a massive city-like kingdom in Anmeritia. It reminds her a lot of back home in New York, just much less modern. She was brought to Anmerita by Luci.  This city is one of the most diverse in culture and creatures

She lives in the top floor of an apartment type building in the center of town. She works during the day as fashion designer/ seamstress because of her love if fashion. At night she works on a black market type deal involving in the selling and trading of illegal, exotic, and rare creatures.