Progress's Comments

congrats bookwyrmknight for winning this years pride raffle!!! You will have 24 hours to respond! 

Thank you everyone for joining, I really do appreciate this years support, we made so much for charity with icons and adopts! I’ll see you all next year for the next pride raffle! 

This is such a fun design, thank you for the opportunity! I fave'd Krys for an extra ticket, and the bulletin is here:

Thank you for joining! I'm happy you like them, your ticket numbers are 47 and 48! 

Did all the required and favorite the additional character :D

Thank you for joining :D! Your numbers are 22 and 23! 

What lovely design!


Your numbers are 49 and 50! 

I did all the required and fved the second character!!
Here's the bulletin!
Thanks for the chance :DD

Thank you for joining! Your ticket number is 9, and 10 

ty for the chance! i did all the required things and faved Krysilonim!

Thank chu!! Your tickets are 2 and 3! 

Thank you! Your raffle ticket number is the big NUMBER 1

Hiya!  I did all of the requirements + favorited the optional character! :D

Btw, would it be possible for me to send you $5 to donate to an lgbt charity (dealer’s choice)?  I’m still closeted myself, so having my bank account showing I donated money to that sort of charity or getting an email notification for it will put me in a bit of hot water with my parents (they have access to my accounts).  No worries if not, just figured I’d ask!

I wouldn't mind doing that, though I'd ask you send it over friends and family since Paypal would take a fee if you don't mind that either? I understand being closeted 100% and not wanting anything to sus you out. 

I’d definitely be willing to do that!  I’ll send it over in a few minutes, thank you so much :D

I donated to the Trevor project on your behalf!
Your raffle tickets are 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8