Fairy Kei Comchy Adopt



1 year, 3 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Sale (Virtual Currency)
For Trade
For Offer


Adoptable for sale


Sale Methods

Money value: min - 5$ ab1 - 20$ ab2 - 30$ + Fullbody Painting

Points value: min - 500

Offer to Adopt Methods

Accepted offers: Money - Artwork - Customs / MYOs - Discord Nitro - Trades - Others

Artwork offers: Digtial Art, Human/Humanoid Art

Design/Trade offers: Swangels, Cute Priests, Kirio, Jippo, Any Swangel Artist, Comchys, Angemos, Etc.

Custom offers: Human/Humanoids Only

Other offers: Swangel MYOs, Humanoid MYOs,

Do not offer: Furries, Anthros, Mecha, Animals, NFSW, Etc.

Design Details

Designer: deathtonoadveil

Species: Comchy

Pieces of art: 1 Headshot, 1 Chibi Fullbody, 3 Extra Details

Other info: Dog ears ( UC ), Wolf tail ( C ), Round pupils ( C ), Wings ( UC )

Terms of Service

Don't resell until 2 weeks are up or you have commissioned/recieved and art trade piece for them! Please talk to me about redesigning or reselling! Do NOT change the skintone of any of my characters you get!! Please give them a good home! I only accept PayPal!

Contact me

Please contact me here if you're interested in buying or have any other questions related to this adoptable