


1 year, 14 days ago

Basic Info


Hemabi Homie


Orpheus Vermilion


19 years old


August 25th


5'8" (172~ cm)


- Able to use blood magic to manipulate blood outside of a body.

- Uses his blood magic to create blood barriers between himself and opponents to block their attacks while he whales on them.

- Owns a pet bird(?) that he found while wandering around in the woods.

- Often has to deal with girls hitting on him, but almost always turns them down.

- Chocolate cake is his favorite food.

Orpheus is the middle child of the Vermilion family. He would often find himself spending a lot of time with the hired help that lived in the manor, specifically the resident scientist, Audrey. He’d sometimes have to help out Audrey with her personal research, which would sometimes leave him completely drained for the rest of the day, but he liked helping her so he didn’t mind it. He would also have to deal with both his older and younger sister, making sure that life wasn’t boring for him, as between Sangria’s overbearing nature causing her to drag him somewhere for sibling bonding time and Gwen’s constant begging and pleading for him to do favors for her, he was always occupied. It was quite rare that Orpheus would get any time to himself, although he never expressed a need for it.

Orpheus was content with his life, with no real worries in life he could spend all of his free time just relaxing, either with someone else or by himself in the very few instances where he had the time. This all changed when Orpheus was 18, as he received word that his sister had been contacted by mainlanders, who were looking for two hemabi to serve as ambassadors for Scarlet Isle. He wasn’t the least bit interested in leaving his home to go do work for mainlanders, but he ended up being chosen to go with Sangria, since the rest of the manor agreed that Orpheus would be the least likely to cause problems for anyone. 

After the decision was made, the manor’s gatekeeper, Allura insisted that the two siblings train in some form of self-defense. Allura told them that it was better to be safe than sorry when it came to being in a foreign land. She taught the two siblings hemabi hand-to-hand combat, since it would ensure that they would always be prepared for a potential encounter. The Vermilion family was fortunate in that they were actually able to use magic, a rarity for hemabi. The Vermilion’s were capable of using blood magic, which required Orpheus to collect blood from a target first, which is where his sharp hemabi fangs came into play. Orpheus would use his blood magic to form small barriers to block attacks from an opponent while simultaneously beating a target. He also possesses wings that can change size or be hidden completely, which serve as a great way to reposition himself in a fight. 

Orpheus spends most of his free time in his room or relaxing in the woods. He is a member of the monster hunting group Starbreakers.