Ace Carte



1 year, 3 months ago


Gender/Pronouns: Cis Man, He/Him

Species: Human 

Abilities: Aura 

Sexuality: Gay 

Age: Early 20’s

Personality: Under the serious persona, Ace is extremely easy going and calm. He thrives in leadership roles, as he was raised to, and is fiercely protective of his future subjects, family, and friends. Time and time again, he’s proved himself to be formidable in many ways. He has the tendency to play up his flamboyant part of his personality when around people he trusts, and tends to be a little muted in that way around officials, as he’s afraid to be perceived as incompetent because of his fun-loving nature and sexuality. 

Story Summary: Ace is the oldest sibling of four and the first in line to inherit the Trynn throne, and has been trained and worked with throughout his entire life to be ready to accept the responsibility that comes with leading his people. Luckily, he knows he won’t have to do it alone as he has the rest of his siblings to rely on, and as such he is very protective of them, but is closest with Taminka after he walked in on one of the government officials attempting to assault her. He plays up his serious and threatening persona when he’s out with his siblings in case he has to protect them.