
1 year, 8 days ago



(I NEED TO REWRITE THIS) patch had originally gone by lance bc that was his name, and he was just a normal mediwall guy bc that was his job, i havent gone too in depth for it since it was the past and idrc but it was like a mission?? programs were going missing probably what a surprise. and uhhh more people went missing most of the patrol also went missing- also including wtf patch what a surprise defo what this isnt all about. part of the reasonign of the malware (attacking group) being so hostile and whatev is because of the viruses lol they were also being more hostile so tjere was like extra need for food and. whatever. low on medics too lol so thats why they also took firewall. soo patch was like forced to help them for a little bit, until like the other medic guys had healed. so blud wasnt needed anymore but they didnt wanna throw him out slash kill him for some reason?? still gotta work around that

so they threw him somewhere, i’m assuming some kind of dungeon or whatever but main idea he was just in there for a whilein databrawl time it was a few years but in human time it was more less then a year likely. I still haven’t worked on this much but there was one specific malware that was very similar to old square except they’re a lot less of a little bitch lmao. they had more sympathy for him and was like the reason he didn’t die early on, though very convinced not to by peers and whatever. so he didn’t often just when he could sneak itafter a while malicious had found out patch was still there (he thought he was killed) and even further found out about the guy who was not commiting war crimes, in punishment made him kill patch as if he wasn’t almost dead already. the guy having sympathy for him just like left him to almost die instead of kill him. though at this point patch kind of wanted to die so he was kind of mad at him for not just ending it all.

enter tryx the fucking mad scientist, she had found patch’s body on the outskirts of the malware encampment and assumed he was dead (she wanted his body for the code and for testing, where do you get a free firewall body anywhere?) but she found out he wasn’t dead yet quick enough and since she wasn’t evil she decided to help him not die. tryx is actually where patch got his current name. bc her way of covering up the injury that the malware guy gave him was a giant patch (since she wasn’t good at medical stuff and though it would be easier to cover it instead of actually try and heal it) and made fun of him by calling him patch, it ended up sticking with it since he wanted to detach himself from whoever lance used to be. though patch was still healing and whatever, tryx would still send him out to find stuff (most commonly corpses and like food from mcdod bc she was lazy) and (correct me on this if it won’t work) likely one of poly’s minion guys had found him and was like “yo guy u look useful join us” and patch was very tired of tryx and her mad scientist habits so he accepted, will say tryx can be considered as a mad scientist but she is not an evil scientist. she’s just insane. like clinically insane lmao and uhh boom that’s all the backstory shit rewritten

he’s narcoleptic. he has add, ocd, and ptsd.
he’s very monotone and deadpan. low energy as HELL. he prefers to just sit in his room and focus on a certain project. he can be incredibly mean if he’s in a bad mood / talking to higher energy people (cough, puppy.) project in question is a revival syrum to bring back lost media.

their weapon of choice is the dumb syringe mediwall blaster thing because it’s the mediwall weapon and he’s a mediwall.