


1 year, 28 days ago


Natural Mutation from Event

Name: Insect
Pronouns: Bug/Bugself(Though also okay w He/Him)
Age: Child
Species: Poochyena/Buneary/Gastly
Height: 0'10
Type: Ghost/Dark/Fire
Rank: Bronze


Bio: [Your character's history! This will vary for every recruit, but here are some things you must include for us to get a sense of your character:  - How did your character come to be? Were they born naturally out in the wild, or were they created genetically in a lab?  - If your character is a fusion, you must mention what species they are in their bio, OR mention what species their parents were (if they had any) - If your character has any sort of unnatural markings, typings, etc, you must explain how that happened! Was an alternate typing passed down from a parent? Did something happen to them as an egg? Were they genetically altered? Let us know! - Why did you character join Rocket Hideout? They must have a good reason to join a team of thieves after all! - Other things you can include are: What are there goals in life? Do they still have a family? Etc.

Our rule of thumb here is that the more specific you are, the better! We are very lenient on designs and character ideas as long as you can explain how they came to be! Give us details and try to avoid any vague wording, or you may be asked to clarify!]

Ability: [Your character's ability. If your character has an ability they cannot naturally learn you must explain why in their bio.]

Move Set:

Starter Pack


[Bullet Relations]
[Written Opinion]