Harper Greene



11 months, 22 days ago


Harper Greene

01 — Profile

Name Harper Greene
Nicknames Harps, Kelp, Capt
Age 25
Gender Agender ( they/them )
Height 6'0
Birthdate August 6th
Race Human
Orientation. Pansexual
Occupation Bluebells' Captain

  • FC: Sour Belt Cookie from Cookie Run

  • has heterochromia; left eye is green while right is blue

  • carries their mother's ashes in a locket

  • often wears sunglasses, despite not needing them

02 — Personality

RAISED BY A SINGLE MOTHER ALL THEIR LIFE, Harper has been taught to be kind to others, never ignore those in need, and to always strive for independence. They have always been the cheerful clown of sorts, liking to make others laugh even in the darkest of situations. They thrive off other peoples' hope, their dreams, in contrast to the incredibly gloomy environment that they lived in.

Since they were younger they have exhibited concerning behaviors regarding the lack of safety to themselves. Often for the sake of a bit, or maybe for the adrenaline rush, they purposely land themselves in dangerous situations and attempt to find ways to get out of it. It started small; with them wandering into darkened areas or them jumping off of high places. It has remained and worsened in their adult years, evident by often leading the ship towards fogged up or other hard to see areas out of enjoyment of the thrill, much to the dismay of their crew. Especially their navigator. With many of these scenarios easy to manage, they often laugh off the concerns and claim it was worth the adventure.

No matter their outwardly behavior, there is no questioning their loyalty and dedication. They are perfectly capable of displaying the traits of a leader once things go incredibly dire. They are the very first to keep optimism up and everyone's worries at bay, hoping to reduce the chance of someone succumbing to Terror. They are more than willing to coordinate with others, confidence shining that no matter what things will be alright. Once a goal is set in their mind they head right towards it, even if chances are near zero. They never intend to give up, including when it comes to looking for their parent. They are in heavy denial that they are actually dead, and Harper intends on either finding them or die trying.

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03 — Background

Memoirs: Their Past

Now you're a captain: now you belong to the Unterzee. But who were you, before?

Their mother was a hardworking philosopher, who was incredibly surprised that she was expecting a child. With her fling and second parent to the child nowhere to be found, the mother decided to do the best she can to raise this child alone. It was an incredibly hard struggle to care for them while also having to tackle their work, sometimes having to bring the child into work, but she refused to abandon them and have them grow under the influence of urchins. Harper in turn grew to deeply care for and love their mother, once reaching their toddler years they began to notice just how broken and depressed their mother was. Since then they always attempted to make her smile with practical jokes and pranks.

The subject of who their second parent was lied heavy in their mind, but everytime it was brought up their mother insisted on letting it go. Their mother's demeanor would very quickly turn angry and spiteful whenever they asked, so they very quickly learned that it was a touchy subject and to not press further. Even when they chose to ignore it, there was always a feeling in their heart that something was missing. Unanswered questions that simply became more pestering as they got older.

With that came for their affinity and love for the zee. During one of their many adreneline rushes they would often run to the port and stare off into the dark unknown. A few attempts were made to jump straight in, feeling as though the zee was calling to them, but none were successful and they were the subject of many scoldings.

Despite their obvious reason for life, they aimed to go down the path of a simple writer. They already used poetry as an outlet for their emotions and other things they liked, but wanted to make it an actual career. They heard many tails of zailors going off into zee, and too many of them not returning. Talk of grand adventures, discoveries, and secrets lay beyond the zee. To them, it was a dream come true. However, for their mother's sake, they forced themself to stay on land. It led to an unhappy lifestyle, but they thought that was best.

That was until their mother fell gravely ill. Knowing that she didn't have much time left, and that her child was not satisfied with their current state, she finally told them her secret. Turns out, they were a product of an affair. Their mother had met with a captain, Harley, but before any commitments were made Harley had already returned to zee. That night was the last night anyone had seen Harley or their ship in London, and thus was persumed deceased.

Upon hearing this a huge weight seem to lift from them. Harper took this story as a sign, that perhaps their purpose was to be out at zee. They wanted to travel its depths, unknown territory, anywhere they had to look at in the hopes of finding their long lost parent. They refuse to believe that Harley was actually dead but instead somewhere out in the waters. Staying by their mother's side until she drew her final breath, they spent the next year gathering the funds and books to prepare to set sail. After their mother passed, nothing was able to hold them back anymore.

Collecting every coin they had left, they spent everything on buying a ship. They were in incredibly high spirits, being able to do what they knew their heart was craving for. They aim to leave no stone unturned, to tackle the dangers ahead, all in the hopes of finding Harley and asking every question they had since they were four. Such as what had they found, and why did they abandon them and their mother.

All they needed left was to find a team that was willing to join their ambitions.

04 — Trivia

  • a frequent smoker, claims it relieves stress

  • they're a very frivolous spender, often wasting every Echo the second they get it. at the very least, they first things they buy are always supplies for the others

  • they're still an active writer, often writing short stories or poems about the things they've seen.

05 — Relationships

navigator / semi-rivalry

"Come now, just look at me without that scowl just this once?"

Harper remains shocked, but ever grateful that Nero had decided to join the crew. They are constantly butting heads about Harper's leadership, with Harper often not taking his concerns all that serious, which leaves their relationship strained. Regardless, Harper is enaptured with his experience and wisdom. They often seek his guidance when they're stuck on something, and he gives it with no issue. Deep down, Harper simply wants to do make Nero proud.

close friend

"Your mask carries more cracks than mine. Are you alright?"

Because of their similar personalities, the two immediately clicked and became extremely close. With Harper's nature, they were immediately aware that Lucinde isn't as cheerful as he appears to be on the outside. They often seek him out when the environment gets tense, keeping an eye out for him to make sure he's okay. Protectiveness aside the two have a sibling-type relationship, supporting each other's endeavors and Lucinde being the subject of many teasings from Harper because of his crush on Nero. The two are often seen together sharing their journals and descoveries that they have made.


"Is that a new recipe? Can I be your taste tester!"

Harper was the first to notice that there was something weird in the water, shocked to realize that it seemed like a person drowning. They called for her rescue, and because of it they won her loyalty. Valeria was soon labeled as the cook of the crew, and Harper often excitedly goes to her station to see what she is making. The two often chat about their experiences of the water, and see the other as pleasant company. Whenever Valeria has made something, Harper is always the first to try it, even if many times the meal has made them sick. Even if Harper chokes on it, they rate the food 10/10 and ask for more.


"Doctor! I'm sick! I haven't seen you in about three hours and it's killing me!"

Similar to Nero, Harper finds it difficult to talk to Rosetta, due to how recluse and closed off she is. However it is a bit easier to carry a conversation with her, mostly because her dry responses are still responses. Rosetta often seperates herself from the rest of the crew unless she is needed, and Harper often tries very hard to make her feel included in things because of it. They love to approach her and see what she's doing, even if she is simply reading a book and pesters her with questions until they are inevitably kicked out.