


6 years, 9 days ago


A timid young man who was raised in the Jedi temple. He was taken on as a padawan by Jedi Master Ao, who did his best to help him out of his shell. Master Ao perished during the clone wars on a dangerous mission, sacrificing himself to ensure Lindus’s survival. Lindus was severely injured by the incident, losing several limbs as well as part of his skull, and his right eye. He feared these new limitations and his feelings surrounding the death of his old master would prevent him from continuing his training as a knight. However, Aos former master, Saito, took him in. Saito would dutifully train and protect Lindus for the duration of the clone wars before being gunned down during order 66. Similarly to Ao, Saito took sacrifices to ensure that Lindus would survive, destroying the clone battalion attacking them before succumbing to his wounds. With his last breath he cut Lindus’s padawan braid, knighting him. 

Feeling the weight of the lives of two Jedi masters given to preserve his own, Lindus takes the weight of being one of the remaining Jedi incredibly seriously. He abides the code very strictly and gauges his every action carefully, considering it a reflection on all the Jedi stood for. He was a timid boy who became a rather solemn, lonely man. But wherever he goes, he fills the role of the wandering knight.