


1 year, 1 day ago


In life, the body seen before you now didn’t get up to much; dying in a car crash at 25. But in death, things have gotten much more exciting! After resting a mere month in that plush casket, fate would lead a heartbroken Vine and his newest invertebrate friend six feet above the corpse. Ironically enough a month had gone into their friendship up until now, each day Vine coming home from his shift at the café to try to feed the odd creature... unsuccessfully. At his wits end and fearing he would inadvertently starve the creature, he decided to release it at the cemetery where the foliage and large expanse of dirt should have done it some good. Little did he know the instant the worm touched the yet-to-settle dirt below them, the worm would wriggle maniacally straight down and through to the grave below, the unnatural being breaking the solid wood of the casket with a foreboding crunch. Vine, unable to see the worm anymore, with a growing feeling of dread in his stomach, and a shift to clock into 1 hour later, decided to head in. Surely then, the shambling corpse that met his eyes with bright squirming pink as he went to flip the “open” sign around at the café had nothing to do with him, right? ...Then why was it smiling at him?