


1 year, 21 days ago


Name: Frogpaw

Pronouns: She/it

Sexuality: AroAce

Gender: Demigirl

Clan: WisteriaClan

Friends: Pyrepaw, Hushpaw, Peregrinepaw, Frogpaw, Smoke

Mentor: Arcpelt

Family: Smoke (Brother)

Likes: Her friends, fishing, running in the rain, frogs, singing, her mentor, her brother

Dislikes: Fateweaver, being dead, being unable to change anyone’s fate, rivers (post death), blood

Voice Headcanon: Christina Vee as Shantae (

Background: Frogpaw was a model apprentice. Cheery, ambitious, and always up early and ready to start the day, it was well loved by all who knew it. Though her best friends were Pyrepaw and Fadingpaw, she maintained close friendships with the other apprentices too. Though it was from outside of the clans, it never let the jeers of the cruel older apprentices of her younger years get her down. Her mentor was always so proud of her. On the day she died, supposedly of drowning, they had been fishing by the river together. She fell in, and despite both it and Arcpelt’s efforts, slipped downstream, never to be seen alive again. She watches her friends from StarClan as they wonder what truly happened to their friend, waiting for the day it can finally return to Earth.