


1 year, 10 days ago



❁ Barry ❁

" Are you sure? I don't think that's how that works. "

While you have the head barn cat, the ditzy one, and the spare cats that pop up, Barry is the one who is maybe just a little dumb in the head. He's not scared of much, and in the bad sense. He could be sitting there as the tractor approaches him, and he wouldn't flinch until someone came and ripped him away from the tractor itself. He'd just sit and stare at it. He's a little bit between of everything. He doesn't understand much, nor does he understand feelings either. Someone will be trying to explain why others are so scared, and all Barry could think of is "why", and then he'll ask "why" over and over until there is no more "why" to be had, and by then the person on the other end of the conversation is dead beat over all of his questions. And Barry still doesn't even understand it by the end of the discussion. As Barry grows older he will get better, but he still will be shy to emotions, and slow to understand things. He can still do a decent job of cow hopping though.

by iinvy helped by LowkeyWicked