


1 year, 14 days ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Aspen Noel Castor



Art folder: send any done to it if you can please!

Initial cost

15$ + art

Total cost

227$ / 22,700 points



Aspen N. Castor - 27 years old - Neutral gender - Unknown job - Winters Keep, Sehia

Aspen is a quiet, tall and thin fellow who works mostly in low temperature areas. He's quick to learn and has some level of cold resistance to where his outfits are more for show than to keep him warm.


"Come here, traveler. You'll freeze if you stay here waiting."


 Quiet, tall and thin 27 year old. He both lives and often works mostly in low temperature areas. He's quick to learn and has some level of cold resistance to where his outfits are more for show than to keep him warm. He guides stragglers who lose their way in Sehia using his kitsune form and is unintentionally known as both Aspen and "The guide" which is what locals tend to call his kitsune form. Not many know about the fact they are one in the same, keeping his identity usually separate from each other as a way to protect himself. He's unsure why, but he does have some level of magic, mostly orientated towards ice, and the cold. 

Wants solitude
Needs work
Fears fire


Tall, pale and thin, his outfits often are more for show rather than to keep him warm due to his thicker skin and natural fur. He's taught himself to keep a mainly humanoid appearance, but he also taught himself on how to fully transform into an kitsune/fox form which is rare. He has red eyes, blue, light blue, and white hair often having blue, white and red speckles in them. On his side, a vibrant red cloud-like marking has been on him since he hatched. On his shoulders, a small section on the lower back of his torso, and lower legs has a light white and blue fur patch. Depending on which form he is taking is what the main color of his ears are. He has two tails in any form he takes, as well as the red cloud marking on his side. The kitsune form does not change colors or patterns if he wears a different outfit.

Outfit one: A short, fur-necked dark blue coat that has bright blue markings on it. Underneath it, he has a black cropped turtleneck with a red zipper pattern. He is wearing white and blue checkered tights under his dark shorts. As well as custom made snow boots. In his hair he has an (optional) snowflake crest-like crown that is fragile and not made for enduring.

Outfit two: A simple, long sleeve dark grey-blue shirt that covers his torso. It has his marking stitched into it using a light blue. Closer to be form fitting dark blue pants and custom grey snow boots.


"The air is colder than normal; a snowstorm is approaching."


0-3 years old || Aspen hatched at Winters keep, Sehia. A small village that often doesn't get many visitors. When he hatched his parents were a bit horrified to see the marking of the clouds and his double tails but as far as anyone could say neither really seemed to do any harm. For his earlier years, he lived with his parents and an older sister, who would take turns in taking care of him. His parents noticed his abnormal affinity for the cold, watching him intentionally lay out in the cold rather than inside. While they did question it, they didn't do anything about it as they found it easier to let him continue than to fight Aspen to remain inside. His humanoid form developed entirely, but unknown to his family he begins to learn how to bounce between fox and human form.

Summery/result: Normal smol years, loved the cold already. Only abnormalities is the marking, the two tails, and his cold affinity.

3-10 || He continued his quiet practice of swapping forms without his family really noticing. His 3-9 years were pretty on par to how they'd normally go. However, at 10 years old his older sister gets lost in a snowstorm and while everyone else is freaking out Aspen slips away and travels almost two miles only to find her curled up by a tree, and he guides her back to the village to the shock of her and his parents. 

Summery/result: His innate nature to find and guide others kicks in at ten after his older sister gets lost two miles away.

10-15 || (tba)


15-20 || (tba)


20-23 || (tba)


23-25 || (tba)


25-27 || (tba)



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"Where are you looking for? Stratville? Follow me, I know the path."


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