


6 years, 1 month ago


☽ Morel☾

"Humans are the true monsters."

☽ ☾ Gentile ☽ ☾ Unpredictable ☽ ☾ Untrusting ☽ ☾ Loving ☽ ☾ Genuine ☽ ☾
Also Known As: Guard, Monster

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Marital Status:-

Love Interest: -

Status: Active

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Birthplace: Vampire Base/kingdom/Lab

Current Residence: Ais's home

Occupation: Servant/Ex Guard

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✦ Personal Information

Favorite Foods:
+ Blood ----->
(He CAN eat normal food, however, it doesn't digest in his system and has to be regurgitated after a time...)

+ Quiet places
+ Outdoors
+ Holding Ais to fall asleep
+ Dogs)
+ Cold weather
+ Running (Loves feeling freedom)

- Corrupted blood (It turns him into a darker side of himself, fueling his 'parasite')
- Not fond of water (Doesn't hate it, just not fond of it.)
- Crowds (Fears snapping in them)
- The parasite that could take hold of him given opportunity. (See Trivia)
- Sleeping alone (Night Terrors make him panic even once he's pulled out of them)
- Humans. (He's come to hate them harshly given his past.)
- Being cooped up inside (He'll seek any way to get outside and breathe; After too long, he feels like the walls are caving in on him.)




- Morel was born to a family of royal vampires; However, they decided to use him for experimentation.
- He now no longer has any contact with them, effectively doing what he can to hide from them permanantly after they sent him out into a snow storm given only a single vial of toxic blood in attempts to kill him without getting their hands dirty.

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✦ Trivia ✦

✘ Morel was experimented on as a child with the intention of becoming the perfect guard for the royal vampire's prince.
✘ Jace, the boy he saved from torture because of the human's brother being a reveared general. Despite saving his life, once Morel outran his use to the child and his brother after a single year together, they sent him back to the vampire base that had corrupted him for further testing.
✘ Morel no longer trusts humans; He's more likely to murder them in cold blood, letting the parasite take over and slaughter them without any mercy as a repayment for what the boy did to him.
✘ He's not exactly used to electronics since the place he grew up in wasn't exactly well developed in those areas. Cameras especially might frighten him briefly and make him protective, but he can grow used to them. Most he's had himself is a cellphone and only used it for work.
✘ Tends to treat "defects" as just common features of a person, never seeing them as 'ugly' while he admires how unique they are to that person.
✘ -
✘ Has hip piercings

★Morel calls the blood inside him the "parasite", as the blood of corrupted, malformed vampires mixed with his own for so many years mentally broke him, causing a fracture in his mind that can and does take him over on occasions.

☆Known Triggers:
★ Someone sitting on his lap with their legs on either side of his lap; It used to be his and Jace's position for him to feed. At times like this, he'll think the person IS Jace, becoming frightened of them.
★ Before Ais proved he could handle him, the act of feeding itself would 'pull the monster from it's cage', according to Morel, making him want to kill whoever he's feeding from. In addition, This'll also pull his memories of Jace back, as the boy was the only human he'd trusted to help him stop before he'd kill them... effectively gaining the vampire's complete trust... only to betray it in the end.
★ Being asked to admit he's not a monster against his will; The parasite itself and his upbringing along with the betrayal from Jace has corrupted him into genuinely believing he's a monster because, at times, he feels as if he truly wants to destroy his targets in a bloody, violent rage.
★ Harming someone he loves; This genuinely explains why he's scared of harming Ais. He doesn't want to lash out at him...again.
★ Pink hair. As strange as it sounds, his first charge and best friend as a child was a boy named Lyrus, who he was often punished because of (unknown to the boy) because Morel had no clue he was playing with the crowned prince. Lyrus never stopped the scientists from experimenting on him, but each time he returned and was able to see him, Morel was more and more like a trained guard, forced to do whatever he was told without question by way of his 'training'. Seeing this causes Morel to flash back to those times, slipping into a deadpan-like state where anything he's told to do, he will, regardless of how he feels about it.

☆Known Cures/fixes:
★ "Cognitive recalibration" - Hitting him really hard on the head so he passes out... Just don't do it too much. The brain doesn't heal as easily as a broken bone.
★ Being heavily wounded to the point he can't fight back makes his body too weak to handle the parasite's control, pushing it back into it's 'cage' inside his mind.
★ Kindness. Something he's no longer used to... It terrifies him briefly, making him wonder if he's worth it at first... but if pushed further and the pressure kept onto him... Sometimes, he'll eventually shatter into a vulnerable, trembling mess of confusion.

☽ ☾ ✦ ☽ ☾

✦ Physical Information Species: Vampire/Experiment



Physical Strengths/Weaknesses:

+ Vampire strength/sight/smell

- Can't go long without feeding(blood)

Mental Strengths/Weaknesses:
+ Genuine in everything he does
+ Once he loves, he devotes himself to the person
- Fears what he believes he is
- 'Parasite'
- Flees from a situation if he's overwhelmed

Skills and Talents:
- Purring - Only does this when he's content and relaxed

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☆ Relationships


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