
Malakai "Kai" Et-Abadi

CONTENT WARNING: This character deals with topics such as serial sexual assault and murder. If you have trouble approaching these topics, do not read on.

PROFILE I'll break the door in, make my way in, I'm the killer, you're the victim

Malakai "Kai" Et-Abadi is a Thenast-Lycan Minor Chimera, leaning more heavily toward Thenast, of the pine marten and cross fox morphs. Living within the Landing on Ferona, Kai is a Type B vampire, though his strain has totally reverted to the behavioral characteristics of Type A: hair-trigger emotions, a thirst for sapient blood, and a tendency to go feral when hunting and feeding. Kai's upper fangs are quite large compared to his muzzle, and he is considerably taller than most Thenast, making it plausible that more than just his coat color and thickness were inherited from his Lycan heritage. He undergoes seasonal molting, and while his pelt is normally varying shades of orange and gray, it turns nearly-white in the winter.

Kai is an active serial killer, codename pending. He has a marked preference for hunting and feeding on petite, cute, young women, in the human equivalent range of under 25. Though normally he will simply stalk and tail his intended targets to their homes, making sure they're alone before breaking in and attacking, sometimes he will choose a different tactic. In these cases he charms the target with his natural charisma, flirting his way into her good graces, so that she will willingly let him into her home. It is these cases where, more often than not, he does more to her than simply feed and kill. Sexual assault fuels an inherent desire for power within his psyche, and he explicitly chooses victims weaker than himself. This doesn't mean he exclusively goes after non-vampires-- he simply doesn't care. Kai will readily attack and feed on another vampire as long as he can physically overpower her. It is not an exaggeration to call this man depraved.

Though Kai seems to not have any true Soul Phantasms, he does have the racial abilities of both species that make up his chimerism. He only possesses the passive Prana sense from his Lycan side, but as a near-full Thenast, he can manifest switchblade-like claws of Mana on pure reflex, allowing him extra reach in had-to-hand or close-quarters combat. These claws are sharp and serrated, so they can do the most damage possible in one blow. In fact, he often prefers to fight with his claws rather than his fangs, and will even make his kills by tearing his prey up before he even starts to feed.

AGE: 54 (human equivalent 30)

SEX: Male

SPECIES: Minor chimera: Thenast x Lycan

MORPH: Pine marten x Cross fox

VAMPIRISM STRAIN: Type B (total reversion)

HEIGHT: 6'9"

WEIGHT: 200 lbs

OCCUPATION: Cultist, Serial killer




RELATIONSHIP: Dating Serana "Sera" Et-Tehiri

WORTH: $155

THEME: Final Girl - Graveyardguy x Slayyyter



PERSONALITY I hear you breathing, baby, been chasing you all night. Think it'd be fun to see if you can make it through the night

This section was partially written by ChatGPT and will be rewritten at a later date.

Kai has a multifaceted, chilling psychology, embodying the unsettling combination of charm, confidence, and a dark, violent nature. With a bearing that holds an air of mystery and an allure that is difficult to resist, Kai draws people in with his charismatic and conniving personality. Beneath his seemingly pleasant demeanor lies a mind driven by depravity, pleasure-seeking, and psychopathic impulses.

Kai possesses a sanguine disposition, often displaying a cheerful and optimistic outlook. His easy confidence and natural charisma make it effortless for him to captivate those around him, effortlessly blending into social settings and charming his way into people's lives. He possesses a keen ability to manipulate and exploit others, carefully selecting his victims with a particular preference for young-ish, petite, and cute females. He preys upon their vulnerabilities, exploiting their trust and leaving a trail of devastation in his wake. Sometimes, however, he will simply tail and stalk a potential victim and break into their home, so that he can have his way with them without interruption.

Beneath his charming facade, Kai harbors a dark and violent side. He finds immense pleasure in the process of his kills, deriving a sadistic satisfaction from the control and power he wields over his victims. The sheer act of taking a life fuels his sinister desires and provides an outlet for his deeply-rooted aggression. He revels in the terror he instills, finding a twisted ecstasy in the fear he evokes from those unfortunate enough to fit his victim profile.

Kai can be categorized as a mixed organized-disorganized killer. While he exhibits some level of planning and organization, he also possesses impulsive and chaotic tendencies. This duality adds an element of unpredictability to his actions, making it difficult for authorities to track his patterns and anticipate his next move. His ability to adapt and change his modus operandi further complicates efforts to apprehend him, adding to the mystery and intrigue surrounding his crimes.

He thrives on external stimulation, living for the thrill and excitement that his sinister activities provide. Kai is not one to shy away from taking risks, always seeking new adventures to satiate his insatiable appetite for excitement. His assertive nature pushes him to take charge of situations, ensuring that he remains in control at all times. Kai's personality and actions can be deeply disturbing and unsettling. He poses a significant threat to society, driven by his dark desires and the satisfaction he derives from inflicting harm on others.


BIOGRAPHY And I've got eyes on you now, I like the way you breathe. But I'm more interested in the ways to make you scream

Put your character's story here. Etiam lobortis nisi vitae pharetra euismod. Fusce fermentum augue vitae mattis vestibulum. Sed ultricies dui id rutrum ultricies. Donec eu lectus eget urna lobortis lobortis. Nam a urna in mauris ullamcorper dictum. Ut consectetur volutpat ultrices. Sed tempus malesuada aliquam. Cras egestas arcu lacus. Integer vehicula egestas eros iaculis molestie. Proin sit amet lectus diam. Aliquam quam augue, dapibus id massa quis, dapibus suscipit nisl. Phasellus dolor purus, ullamcorper ac purus consequat, eleifend porta eros.

Maecenas consectetur tincidunt orci, at dapibus elit. Etiam condimentum, quam vel pharetra rhoncus, justo eros pellentesque erat, id porttitor quam elit et tellus. Phasellus eget mattis augue, ac ultrices sapien. Suspendisse egestas, eros vitae sagittis hendrerit, risus felis pharetra ante, id egestas nisl neque sit amet elit. Pellentesque nunc eros, fringilla eget tempus sed, fringilla a lectus. Nunc dolor dolor, sollicitudin vel tincidunt sit amet, imperdiet sit amet mi. Vivamus sit amet arcu ipsum.


RELATIONSHIPS I keep on calling you babe, why won't you answer me?

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Describe character's relationship here. Sed et venenatis leo. Proin sed lectus pharetra, mattis metus rhoncus, porttitor lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse facilisis velit vitae congue varius. Nullam faucibus ligula nec eros dignissim, non rhoncus augue bibendum. Morbi eleifend, massa vel egestas volutpat, sem magna gravida ex, at fermentum neque enim condimentum leo. Phasellus semper et lectus eu facilisis. Fusce eu congue ipsum, a pharetra sapien. Vestibulum iaculis metus vitae est facilisis, vel pharetra justo faucibus. Cras elementum est at ullamcorper pharetra. Donec interdum ullamcorper sem at posuere. Morbi vestibulum ex id maximus viverra.

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Describe character's relationship here. Sed et venenatis leo. Proin sed lectus pharetra, mattis metus rhoncus, porttitor lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse facilisis velit vitae congue varius. Nullam faucibus ligula nec eros dignissim, non rhoncus augue bibendum. Morbi eleifend, massa vel egestas volutpat, sem magna gravida ex, at fermentum neque enim condimentum leo. Phasellus semper et lectus eu facilisis. Fusce eu congue ipsum, a pharetra sapien. Vestibulum iaculis metus vitae est facilisis, vel pharetra justo faucibus. Cras elementum est at ullamcorper pharetra. Donec interdum ullamcorper sem at posuere. Morbi vestibulum ex id maximus viverra.

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Describe character's relationship here. Sed et venenatis leo. Proin sed lectus pharetra, mattis metus rhoncus, porttitor lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse facilisis velit vitae congue varius. Nullam faucibus ligula nec eros dignissim, non rhoncus augue bibendum. Morbi eleifend, massa vel egestas volutpat, sem magna gravida ex, at fermentum neque enim condimentum leo. Phasellus semper et lectus eu facilisis. Fusce eu congue ipsum, a pharetra sapien. Vestibulum iaculis metus vitae est facilisis, vel pharetra justo faucibus. Cras elementum est at ullamcorper pharetra. Donec interdum ullamcorper sem at posuere. Morbi vestibulum ex id maximus viverra.

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Describe character's relationship here. Sed et venenatis leo. Proin sed lectus pharetra, mattis metus rhoncus, porttitor lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse facilisis velit vitae congue varius. Nullam faucibus ligula nec eros dignissim, non rhoncus augue bibendum. Morbi eleifend, massa vel egestas volutpat, sem magna gravida ex, at fermentum neque enim condimentum leo. Phasellus semper et lectus eu facilisis. Fusce eu congue ipsum, a pharetra sapien. Vestibulum iaculis metus vitae est facilisis, vel pharetra justo faucibus. Cras elementum est at ullamcorper pharetra. Donec interdum ullamcorper sem at posuere. Morbi vestibulum ex id maximus viverra.

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Describe character's relationship here. Sed et venenatis leo. Proin sed lectus pharetra, mattis metus rhoncus, porttitor lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse facilisis velit vitae congue varius. Nullam faucibus ligula nec eros dignissim, non rhoncus augue bibendum. Morbi eleifend, massa vel egestas volutpat, sem magna gravida ex, at fermentum neque enim condimentum leo. Phasellus semper et lectus eu facilisis. Fusce eu congue ipsum, a pharetra sapien. Vestibulum iaculis metus vitae est facilisis, vel pharetra justo faucibus. Cras elementum est at ullamcorper pharetra. Donec interdum ullamcorper sem at posuere. Morbi vestibulum ex id maximus viverra.

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Kai's sire, and a huge part of why he is the way he is-- she raped him as she turned him into a vampire. He killed her, and now hallucinates her, driving him to prey on women that remind him of the serval: petite, dainty, and young.

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