


1 year, 14 days ago


Notes to self;

In this form, she goes by her original name; Tonbo - meaning Dragonfly.

- Desperate to be accepted, loved, and simply liked that she bends over backwards until she snaps

- Poor control of her emotions, violent temper usually followed by tears and more anger, locking her in a vicious cycle

- Insecure, full of self hate, feels like a burden on others

- Constantly on the move, learning new skills and meeting new kamis

History notes; 

- Grew up with an older sister; Hoshi. Both were 'destined to be dragons' 

- Hoshi became Enchanted without any issues, Tonbo was struggling and became jealous of her sister

- Was tricked by Bastet with promises of power and becoming a dragon

- Unleashed Tetsuzō from the statue she was sealed in. The Lopdiemis was supposed to take over Tonbo's body (this was Bastet's plan) but at the last second, Hoshi jumped in front of them and took the blow instead.

- Hoshi died - was taken over by Tetsuzō - Tonbo blames herself greatly for this

- Tetsuzō - now going by Hoshi - tries to reach out to Tonbo but she avoids the Lop until she's ready to face the consequences of her actions