
6 years, 1 month ago



"Sled Dog"


Mix Breed

Name: Anakin


Gender: Male

Sled Team Positions: Wheel | Team

Physical Description

Height: 30"

Weight: 92 Lbs.

Breed: Australian Shepherd/Husky/Burnese Mountain Dog/Other Mix

Eye Color: Heterochromia - Right: Deep Brown - Left: Sky Blue

Coat Color: Splotches of Grey, Black, White, and Tan

Anakin can be quite intimidating to look at at first glance, he's big, muscular, and...fluffy? That can be intimidating, right?
His features are unusually expressive, able to be read like an open book that's just full of life. Large, expressive heterochromic eyes show every soft emotion he may have while floppy ears move and change at every feeling. When you take the time to look at him, you can see he's just a big softy! His soft, thick, fluffy coat is a patchwork of shades and colors ranging from white and grey to tan and black, and his fluffy curled tail is like a fan when he's happy.
Even so, he's powerfully built, large muscles pack tightly against his frame and can be noticed even through his thick winter coat. His massive paws are perfect for gripping the ice and snow, helping him pull the heaviest loads across the difficult terrain. A born and bred sled dog at heart.



Personality Descriptions

General: "Give that boi a treat because he's just so sweet!"
Soft and sweet, Anakin has a jovious personality and loves playing and having fun with the ones he loves. Easy to forgive and slow to anger, he's not likely to get aggressive unless someone he cares for is getting hurt. If you make a friend out of him, a feat that is not hard to accomplish, you'll find him to be fiercely loyal and protective.
Anakin is extremely expressive, his emotions easily read on his face and in his body language, something others tend to use against him. He tends to be bullied for his lower intellect and ability to be easily confused, but he is always kind and open hearted, even when he's been hurt by some jerk. Just be kind to the sweet boi, and you'll have a friend for life!



  • Pulling
  • Playing
  • Chilling out by the fire


  • Hard Work
  • Snow
  • Warm Fires
  • Friends
  • His team
  • Little Ducklings


  • Bullies
  • Being Confused
  • Storms
  • The Dark


  • Hurting Someone
  • Crossing Frozen Water 

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths: Strong, fast, and brave, Anakin is a powerhouse with fur. His macular build gives him the capability to haul especially heavy loads, and he's a strong climber, runner, and swimmer. He was built and bred for pulling a sled, and with that comes excellent stamina and endurance to go over long distances in short time periods. Thanks to his thick coat and layers of fur, he is able to survive harsh winter temperatures and knows how to survive and thrive in the worst of weather.
He cares deeply for others, always doing his part in lending a helping hand or being there for someone who feels down. He believes all life is precious and will protect those he cares for with is life.


  • Pulling Heavy Loads
  • Long Haul/Endurance Runs
  • Extreme Cold Weather Survival

Physical Soundness: Anakin has a strong heart, lungs, and muscles. He's physically healthy and fit. 

Weaknesses: Anakin has a soft heart, and while he may be strong physically, he has fragile emotions. He is easily hurt emotionally and is easily confused. His emotions can be read on his face like a book, and you can say he wears his heart on his sleeve. He can suffer short bouts of depression and self-doubt when he's been brought down, questioning himself for who he is.
Anakin also struggles with his disabilities almost daily, and no matter how much he tries to make the best of it, it still bothers him on an emotional level.

Disabilities: Anakin has trouble with his eyesight, nearsightedness and Nyctalopia (Night Blindness) can be a real pain in the tail. Along with his vison, he also has some hearing loss. Nothing significant, but he has trouble hearing sounds as quiet as a whisper and misses out on more distant noises.

Unimportant Links

Characters Commonly Associated With: Calian | Amadahy | Taima | Ranger

Storylines Commonly Used In:

Other Variations: