Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

General Warnings

  • BRIGHT GREEN AND PINK IN MY CSS!!!! nothing obnoxious and no lightmode or whatever, But dont be surprised if you get jumpscared by neon green,, Its mostly just an accent but yea
  • Some characters may contain violent themes, such as Murder, General evilness, Light gore, ETC- I do not condone any illegal or morally wrong things they do. Having darker themes is a valid literary device, and it is portrayed correctly.
  • Ive heard some of the pastel colours I use can be seen as bright, so Bright colour warning. Most of my characters and art use duller colours, as well as my general profile theme
  • Sometimes I draw vents. These are all pasted behind a warning, and somethime these vents are EXTREMELY heavy. If you are sensitive to Gore, S/H, and general mental illness, be careful when brosing images with warnings.
  • My current profile is themed after the spiral from the magnus archives, and contains imagery and theming from it. If this makes you uncomfortable or is a trigger, I would reccomend avoiding my profile.

  • I don't really have a DNI, other than basic criteria.
  • DO NOT for any reason offer on any of my characters, even if they are named 'adopt' or '20$' or whatever, unless they are in a sales folder. I probably just didnt have a chance to change it yet. No "it doesn't hurt to try" bullshit either. ill fucking block you.
  • As for pings, I AM ALLOWED TO DECLINE. Be respectful when asking for one. Do not ask for pings on creampuff. This also goes for dreamies- You can dreamie whoever but be respectful.
Other Info

  • You don't have to ask to draw gift art unless it has gore or nsfw

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

Content Warnings

Body Horror





Disturbing Imagery

  • LOTS of exposed bones, entire torso area has no 'meat'. Usually covered by clothes, But there is a ref without them.
  • Mentions of a gorey freak accident- This is not drawn, only lightly described.
  • Canonically died but was brought back- He isnt a zombie dw

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