




little fang
avey tare

01 — Profile

Name beetle
Nicknames Beet,Beatrice,lil guy,goggle buddie
Age 15-16
Gender Masc nonbinary ( he/they,they/them)
Height 5'4
Birthdate 10 jan
species African civet
Orientation. greysexual/aromantic
Occupation N/A

Status active|fursona
Designer versheppart
Worth 60+ usd

  • semi-curly mullet

  • one of their top canine fangs sticks out sometimes

  • usually wears goggles and leather satchel(

  • usually wears contact lenses due to poor eyesight,but occasionally wears glasses (

  • surprisingly quite fast but can also be quite sneaky and quiet at the same time when wanting to (

  • uhas autism/is autistic and has social anxiety.(

  • being very curious, they are always curious about what Donnie is making and adore listening to him about his ideas or what he has to say(they find it very interesting what he has to say or what ideas he has for his inventions/technology he wants to make or is making) (

  • not super talkative but this makes them a great listeners.(
02 — Personality

kind-hearted, loving, sarcastic, playful at times, mischievous, sometimes energetic(though it’s mostly like a burst of energy that causes this), protective, clever(although clever, they still will have some dumb moments), kinda jumpy/sometimes easily scared, emotional outbursts when angry, very empathetic, highly observant, very curious, great listener, caring


  • the color:purple,yellow,blue and green(purple and yellow is their favourite color)

  • fruit(strawberrys, granny smith & pinkladys apples,peaches, mangos,plum. are their favourite fruits).

  • sour and sweet food/drinks(though they do also like spicy food just not super spicy food),

  • exploring new things(whether it its food,music,games or just places), plants(loves cactus,succulents,trees,ect)

  • soft/fluffy fabric

  • blankets

  • nature/wildlife

  • beetles/insects

  • loud sounds

  • certain fabric / texures

  • flys/wasps

  • cell spiders/daddy long legs

  • being touched without being asked beforehand (unless they are close with that person)

  • bright lights / bright rays of the sun

  • being disturbed when clearly busy

  • being hugged(same with being touched, they are fine with if its friends/family,their partner)

  • weirdos/creeps
03 — Background


In cursus nisi ac eros convallis, at fringilla purus laoreet. Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et. Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend. Vestibulum ornare id eros id rutrum. Vivamus sagittis, tellus at dignissim congue, ipsum dui dignissim tortor, ac eleifend arcu lacus lacinia massa. Mauris eget venenatis sapien.

Nullam non laoreet erat, at rhoncus tellus. Aenean sodales, ipsum nec tincidunt rhoncus, tellus nibh dignissim ante, at facilisis nisl nibh bibendum massa. Donec placerat arcu a turpis commodo eleifend. Aenean at odio velit. Morbi accumsan condimentum nunc, vitae semper justo luctus vitae. Ut ac lobortis nunc. Vivamus eget turpis massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam convallis eros non cursus hendrerit.


Maecenas ac pretium quam. Mauris ullamcorper, sapien ac pellentesque egestas, sem urna blandit felis, et scelerisque metus lacus ac diam. Phasellus tincidunt neque elit, quis facilisis odio molestie in. Nulla neque lectus, malesuada vel congue sit amet, tempor quis est. Quisque sit amet nisi nisi.


Maecenas at felis non justo egestas convallis. Fusce ornare lacus convallis ex laoreet, nec varius libero laoreet. Donec eget mauris ac justo accumsan fermentum. Vestibulum fermentum interdum libero id tempus. Donec auctor ipsum sed lacus blandit ornare.

Nulla non lorem eget massa suscipit consequat. In aliquet augue fermentum facilisis convallis.

04 — Trivia

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • Ultrices dui sapien eget mi proin sed. Semper feugiat nibh sed pulvinar proin gravida. Cursus in hac habitasse platea dictumst quisque sagittis purus.

  • Augue interdum velit euismod in pellentesque. Euismod elementum nisi quis eleifend quam adipiscing vitae proin. Sit amet porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus quis.

  • Leo vel fringilla est ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi etiam. Auctor augue mauris augue neque. Scelerisque fermentum dui faucibus in ornare quam viverra.
05 — Relationships

Donnie / donnatello
 best friend & Queerplatonic partner 

Beetle gets along very well with Donnie,since they can relate to a lot of things,they also have simlair stuff they both like & dislike.

Donnie apreacaites a it lot that beetle lisens to what he has to say(ideas,plans,special intrest ect),and its feels nice to know donnie isnt alone on some things he does/act like.


Leo and beetle suppriseinly get along pretty well!, i mean they're not as a strong/good friendship bond that they have with donnie. but they find him somewhat fun to be around and even laugh at his jokes(even if they mad, theyre a sucker for dadjokes lmao).but there is times where they didnt get along and even argued over something(somethimes something stupid, sometimes its just a disacrement or that they are conscered when leo is doing something dangurusly stupid)

somtimes beetle is concered or even worried for leo, they can tell that sometimes hes not doing well, and this offens end up in beetle checking on in(in priviate, leo doesnt seem to talk about certin feelings around the others that he doesnt want the others to know)

 best buddie, artist buddies/artistduo 

Mikey and beetle gets a long very well! their friendship bond is quite close to how it is with donnie,this is mainly becouse they have simair intrests!

Beetle has a absalute blast of a time when hanging out with mikey, espesially when doing art/art activitys.