Griffin's Comments

Thank you to everyone who participated! The raffle is now ended, congrats to Noozie! 


Favorited griffin and bip c:

Done! Favorited Adhara and Florence!

Entered! Favourited horizon and Breeze ^^

Hello Noozi, your name was drawn from the raffle and you've won! I will be sending the character to you now. :) Enjoy em!

thank you so much! love em ^^

Entering! Faved Adhara and Dakota :3

faved this lovely, alpine and horizon! I faved this one and some others a while ago but forgot to comment, I can fave this one again if needs be ^^’

thank you for the chance! such a nice design, I hope they get a great home!

Joining 😊💗


Entered. ^u^ I favourited Walker and Adhara. ♥ 

Entered! Faved Birdie and Echo!

done! tysm for the opportunity!!

Faved Sandwich and Mink!

faved lure and gear!!

Faved two beans! tysM for the opportunity!

Done! Thanks for the opportunity!