
1 year, 11 days ago


Leoš (he/him) is a Forest Radrian with markings similar to Earth's red panda. At first appearances, he is short and looks relatively calm, but anyone who tries to talk to him is immediately met with short, usually rude responses. He despises small-talk with a burning passion but will unintentionally ramble about which trees are the best for climbing if you ever somehow bring it up. Leoš spends most of his time in said trees, collecting materials from the forest canopy such as fruits, leaves, bark, and other various resources the forest has. He uses the wraps on his waist as tools for climbing, either wrapping the garments around his hands for protection and grip or using them as handles to pull himself up on. 

Leoš doesn't have many friends, and grew up in a very small tribe of Forest Radrians until he was about 16 and left. If you ask him about why he left, he'll simply turn away and say it isn't important, but he really just doesn't want to talk about it. To be quite honest, he doesn't like talking to people in general unless they're part of the very select few he likes- and those people are only his friends because they stuck around and saw through his rough exterior. Even to his close friends, though, he's pretty blunt, and his sense of humor is composed of sarcastic remarks that often sound completely serious. 

If anyone were to ever get close enough as to become his partner, however, the story would be quite different. Once he finally lets this special someone into his life and accepts that they're both stuck together, he'll begin to loosen up. He'll start to show a little bit more affection and often shows them spots in the trees that he returns to often. He'll never be one for PDA, but in private he doesn't mind soft touches and subtle shows of affection.