

1 year, 5 days ago

Basic Info

Full name



Supposedly immortal, so long as she ingests iron






Kero's ability is called JACK-KNIFE. Kero's body is able to digest iron in all forms. By doing so, she can heal her body rapidly, and reverse the aging process to effectively stay immortal. Alongside this, Kero gains access to the iron stores within her body in order to transmute her form. Kero is able to sprout a variety of blades from her limbs, but doing so depletes her iron storage. She often attaches these around her straitjacket in order to create unnatural and unpredictable attack patterns- able to stuff out any possible form of defense. When enough iron is consumes, Kero can change her entire body, during which assuming the form of a draconic shape. Her abilities and strength are multiplied by 10- but, in turn, so is her hunger. It is in this state that her mass killing sprees begin. Kero is surprisingly adept and nimble, as well as being very highly intelligent and adaptable-- especially with the improvised use of JACK-KNIFE and iron consumption in the middle of a conflict. In addition, Kero's jaws have been modified to crunch through iron effectively and easily.


Antagonist to Beatrix and the Main 7.

Ever since she was a child, Kero craved blood.

Of course, she could get iron from fish, nails, rocks and stones. If she simply ate healthy, Kero could live forever. 

She graduated at the top of her class, and a promising career into the aerospace field. It would have been so easy.

But that's not fun. 

None of this was fun. 

No, not the doll-face she puts on; No, not the ones who love her. 

No, no no. There was no taste; no thrill; no reason.

Hunting was fun.

The purpose of the hunt, the reason to live. The constant work for survival that she couldn't 

The thrill of the chase, how they cling to life in the face of death, how they run or try to fight. It made no difference.

The taste of blood. Metallic, thick, savory, salty, sweet. No one has the same taste. Everyone bleeds differently. 

...Oh? She senses something. 

A girl. A girl who has electricity flowing through her veins. A girl with a blood the likes Kero has never seen.

How delectable.