Hey dear, I couldn't help but notice this bab is UFT/S as status, and I'd be interested in buying him if possible ;v;

Hm okay... How much are you putting down?

Sorry for the late reply, having health issues so not much online TvT Well, seeing how he doesn't have any extra art, I can pay the same price you paid for it?

Oh I see and it's fine Well I'm still somewhat attached to this one and his status is tentative, meaning I'm fine with keeping him unless I get a nice character offer or some more money. I don't want to scam people by demanding more money from them than what I got it for but seeing as I'm not actively seeking to trade/get rid of this character I'd rather just do a trade for a character/species I liked~ Well, as for another option, I really like your species on Deviantart, Royaltea! Would it work out for you to do a trade for a MYO instead?

Oooh, I see, that's understandable c: And thanks for being interested in my species, it means a lot! >//v//< You can have a common MYO for it, would that be fine? c:

yes that sounds fine with me! I'll transfer ownership to you now then

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