


1 year, 24 days ago


Father of HawkCall

Mate of AcaciaDust

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━.  * 《  》
Name: VultureBite

Vulture - Named after a hardy Carrion bird that is able to survive in harsh environments
Bite - For his talent of hunting/Fighting

Role: Rogue
Breed: Moggy (Mixed)
Gender: Male
Family: Acaciadust (Mate), Hawkcall (Son), (Rogue collective)
Personality: A tom that roams the outskirts of the territory, popping up scarcly to chat and work his “charm”. He knows the clancats arent very fond of him and he tends to stay out of the way if possible. Though regardless, his affection for Acaciadust keeps him coming back and testing his boundaries with the clan. He tries to bring offerings to bide him more time to see his mate so she doesnt have to leave the safety of camp more than she should.

To outsiders he’s a somewhat suspicious individual that makes questionable choices. He primarily sticks close to his family group and Sunclan territory. Sometimes being left on his own when his family group wanders far off from the territory, choosing to stay near enough to Acaciadust if she needs him. May randomly disappear for a few days but never for long.

Quirks: Always seems to lurk somewhat unintentionally. Very scruffy unkept fur.
Origin: Born and raised by his rogue family outside the territory of Sunclan.