Trade Hub



1 year, 7 hours ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Trade
For Offer


A hub for trading & selling OCs as well as entertaining offers on some. 

Least tent - these characters are wips, characters I'm not sure what to do with, etc. Some are just entertaining offers as well before I figure out what I want to do with them. 

Tent - this is a primary folder for my OCs so I'll be very picky accepting offers as I'm actively connected to these characters! 

I have a couple more folders but I will not accept offers on any of them. I am open to pings though. <3

What you can offer in order of preference:

USD > OCs > Art 

I'm always down for mixed offers as well!

If you're offering OCs please check out my design interests 💜 I can be quite picky so please don't be offended if I don't accept any offers!