Himari Tanaka the Hedgehog



1 year, 18 days ago


Name: Himari Tanaka Age: 16 or 17 (15-14 orgin storyline

Birthday November 21st

Gender: Female 

Species: Hedgehog 

Affiliation: Good 

Birthplace: Classified 

Residence: Tokyo Japan.

Fur:  Silver-white, white

Skin: Peach

Relatives: Kaito Tanaka (father) Naomi Tanaka (mother)

Hobbies: Unknown.

Abilities Telekinesis/ Psychokinesis

Likes: A peaceful world, studying, science, books, swimming, scuba diving, mecha, meditation, philosophy.

Dislikes: Trauma, murder, seeing dead people, toxic people, mean people, stress, the world in danger, isolation, spirits, demons. 

Usual outfit Himari wears a black clothes with cyan blue lines and a black scarf. She also wears a black shorts with cyan blue stripes and black, cyan blue and blue boots. Himari wears a fingerless black gloves, it features some Psychokinesis/Telekinesis ring on the top of her gloves.

Wetsuit: TBA 

Plugsuit: Himari will wear plugsuit for mecha missions, but it's also her mecha suit too and she will also use plugsuit helmet on depends on which case she's piloting her mecha robot. 

In her backstory 16 years ago she came from a Japanese garden from past, future and pressent. She was born in a Japanese garden. It's somewhere in japan you can't find it i don't know. Himari was born with telekinesis because her parents have telekinesis and including Tanaka clan too. Himari's old Friends is with team them getting a stonger ( All their secret number from a space and born in this Japanese Garden) She learn something new with her power over years. 


Himari is optimistic and intelligent, but also likes to know about science. She also having a strong scence of justice and also humble, but also a part of the Neon Organization since she joined at age of 15. She's ambiverted because s

Powers and Abilities 

Himari's main power is her psychokinesis, the ability to manipulate the environment around her with the power of her mind. Himari is a definite master of this skill, being able to telekinetically grab and move up to several objects many times his own size and weight as both a single- or collective mass, his most impressive feat being her Meteor smash attack where he forms a compressed ball of objects over twenty times his own size and could potentially weigh a net total of several tons. However, it is unknown how much he can grab at once.

Physical Abilities

While not shown during her introduction, Himari is capable of moving at super speeds which are an innate talent that members of the hedgehog species possess.


Casual outfit: done by me