

1 year, 3 months ago


✶ TOS (Terms Of Service) 


✶ General

▪️ Do not claim the art/design to be your own! 

▪️ Yes, you can repost my art or use it as a profile picture/theme! Just don't erase my watermark(s)! Credit is appreciated :)

▪️ Do not get snarky or upset if you do not get something you want! I will not tolerate it and it can get you blacklisted. 

▪️ Don't try to find any loopholes, it defeats the entire purpose of my TOS and can also get you blacklisted. 

▪️ Generally just be kind and patient pls lol 

✶ Commissions

▪️ If you commission me, please do not rush me. I am a student with responsibilities and hobbies outside of social media as a whole. Check-ins about said commission are fine! 

▪️ If you do not get a commission when you want one, please be patient. I will be more than happy to let you know when I'm taking commissions!

▪️ Please don't be vague in what you want. Details/well explained requests are useful! References/planned out sketches are awesome too!

▪️ If you would like something to be changed in the sketch, please let me know! Do not be afraid to request something :) 

▪️ Please make sure the character(s) you want me to commission have at least 1 piece of art that displays their entire outfit, it helps me in the long run

▪️ If your character does not have a ToyHouse profile, I can also send art pieces via Email or Discord!

✶ Adopts

 ✶ IMPORTANT: I can do holds for a maximum of 1 month (because life happens)! I will check in when I remember about what you may owe me to be sure I'm not ghosted (happens far too often).

▪️ Small changes/redesigns are allowed, just don't go too far off from the original design :) (species change is allowed!)

▪️ Trades and reselling are allowed! Please try not to sell them for more/less than what you bought them for (unless they've gained extra art since then)

▪️ Yes, you may use my adopts/designs for commercial use :) credit isn't required, but it is appreciated!

▪️ Yes, I allow gifting of my designs :) (as long as they don't claim the design as their own, must follow same TOS)