Queen Grenadier



1 year, 5 days ago


Queen Grenadier

"Wh... What? I-.. I didn't know that this was happening-"

A perfect dancer, a perfect planner, a perfect little dragonet. Grenadier never expected this.

Grenadier is spoiled, haughty and ignorant. She doesn't even know about the plague, just that fish trade is at an all time low. She's naive and careless, with Kraken and her father Tuso taking up the reigns of actually ruling while Grenadier is off trying to learn the basics of ruling. She never bothered to learn the actual logistics of being queen, as she was just supposed to be her sister's right talon, Pacific's coordinator for galas parties and more. They were supposed to be a duo. Now it's just herself.


Name Grenadier
Age 30
Gender Cis Female (She/Her)
Flight Seawing
Allegiance Nightwing Allegiance
Height 11.3 ft
Orientation Asexual
Occupation Queen of the Seawings

  • Dancing
  • Gallas/Balls
  • Shrimp

  • Seal/Blubbery Meat
  • Octopus
  • Fire/Extreme Heat


  • Grenadier is a profesional dancer and used to dance for her mother all the time if not at other gallas
  • She's somewhat inspired by Marie Antoinette. In fact most of the sea's situation is inspired by the French Revolution
  • Grenadier has a soft spoken voice and very sweet sounding to most. She just happens to say the most out of pocket things out of nowhere.
  • She is not aware of the growing tensions in the kingdom due to the illness, let alone she doesn't know about the disease at all.

Design Notes

  • Please make sure to make her small and round! She's not chubby though due to her dancing but she has a very round physique.
  • Make sure to bump her snout as well to help with her rounded look
  • She's pretty much never seen without her pearls, even when dancing she wears tighter fitting jewels so that they don't go flying.
  • She has smaller wings than the average seawing. She can still fly, it just takes a little bit more effort. Plus she's extremely used to swimming around instead of flying.


Queen Grenadier is a spoiled dragonet who never once thought that she was going to be queen. She never once spent the time to really grow up, let alone study how kingdoms should work. It was her sister's job to do that, not her. Pacific was supposed to be queen, she was supposed to win! And because of their promise, Grenadier would be Pacific's right hand man and they would rule together. If one failed, the other would kill Queen Frill a day later, not giving her any chance to breathe.

And evidently, Pacific failed. Grenadier in the span of only a few years was made queen, married and had children with a second clutch already laid. King Kraken, her husband who won in the competition was at her side, but she felt like she wasn't ready. It all has happened so fast, and if it wasn't for Kraken she'd be swept off of her talons from the current of the war. Plague spreads throughout the Seawing kingdom, and civilians are getting unruly demanding for an animus cure when there hasn't been an animus for a few generations at least. The image of a perfect little kingdom was falling apart, but with the help of the Nightwings... That might change.

All she needs is either an heir or an animus to be born breaking the curse. Then the seawings can be cured! No image is ruined. All that needs to be done is help Queen Tranquility in this war, or else news would spread above water about the true reality of the Seawing kingdom and how it isn't nearly as perfect as everyone once thought. No matter what, that cannot happen. It can't.

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