Kai Mori



11 months, 8 days ago



Name Kai Mori
Alias Ink! The Memori hero
Age 21
Gender (ur mom)
Height 5'8
Build S q u a r e
Race English/german
Occupation pro hero
Demeanor Calm, Anxious
Alignment Lawful Neutral


  • Orchids
  • Purple
  • Hero Work
  • Food


  • Mother
  • Being alone
  • Darkness
  • Olives



Memory Bomb

Once per session Kai is able to 'release a stun an opponent by forcing them to relive one of Kai's own memories (childhood). Inicial damange will be for the stun itself (Has the affect of blinding the opponent for ~6 seconds) then has an extra roll for emotional damange (They are a character who's not had a good childhood and as such, memories relived by other will likely be traumatic. This secondry ability means the opponent will have disadvantage for the rest of the fight.

Requires 5 finger contact


This allows Kai to make an opponent forget something that has recently happened or why they're in a place, rendering the opponent confused and daised as they dont remeber anything from the enconter.

Requires previous contact at any point in the encounter


Kai can mix their own traumatic memories with any distressing ones of their opponent and force their opponent to relive that mix as a flashback. the overwhelmingness of it causes the opponent to be dazed and incapacitates them for a time depending on the attack roll.

Requires 10 finger contact


Kai is a 21 year old Hero from England. They currently work for a start up agency called The Paper agency and have been on a couple assignments from them. Their Quirk is 'Sweet Memory Lane' and it allows them to manipulate the memory of themself and others to an overpowered extent. However their abilities are limited by their own trauma and mental blocks meaning much of their power is unused and will remain that way for a long time to come.


Warning: Info Dump.

Kai's Quirk is overpowered in general but their life has handed them hurdles meaning they cant access the full extent of their quirk.

Kai can see people's memories, delete meories (perminently or temporeily) and force them to relive those memories either as


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