


1 year, 20 days ago



Oz Friday

Truth is absolute, y'know?

Eccentric and devil-may-care, Oz can usually be found with a book in his hand and a pen (or three) behind his ear. Where you'll find him, however, is anyone's guess. He seems content to stay wherever something catches his interest, whether that means three days haunting a particular subway car or two weeks in the Terrace Houses of Ephesus.

With his colorful hair clips and the hand-written notes scrawled all over him, he seems much more like a student or librarian than former mercenary...


oz / chokecherry / cherry
non-binary guy
xi. justice
moth antennae shape
hunting knife
@ gutter








Oz is, first and foremost, easy to get along with. Filled with a bright and electric sort of energy, there's no one better at keeping a conversation moving, the mood light, and the vibe up. Perhaps due to the wide scope of his interests, he seldom runs out of things to say, no matter who he's talking to.

Beneath his breezy exterior, however, Oz is surprisingly cold -- or, as he would put it, objective. That razor-sharp intellect has its uses, and for Oz, nothing is more important than the pursuit of truth. Though he'll easily admit to his own disconnect from other people, one gets the sense he hasn't always been this way. It seems whatever it is he's protecting has long since been lost.

  • energy drinks
  • role of gardens in ancient roman politics
  • candles
  • ciphers
  • sleep
  • world war i
  • shattering ceramic
  • movies
  • forgeries



What is known: Oz Friday grew up with two siblings and at least one parent.

Said parent had concerning plans to █████ █ ███ ███████. These plans heavily involved their children, whose unique abilities -- honed and fostered from birth -- would serve well both the ends and means. This made for two things: one extraordinarily difficult childhood, and three extraordinarily talented children.

Each put down roots in a separate goal: one, to save their parent from their increasing madness; one, to assist their parent in earnest; and one, to simply keep their family together. Still, the youngest made them all tea each afternoon. Still, Oz read stories aloud. Still, the eldest played piano. Through the years, one thing was increasingly evident: they had nothing if not each other.

Until ███ █████ ███████. Until ███ ██ ███ ██████. Until they were thrown violently in different directions, and Oz was, for the very first time at 15, all alone.


To this day, Oz does not know if any of his siblings – or his parent – are alive. What he does know is that, after some wandering, he was taken in by an old eccentric.

Intrigued by Oz’s knack for memorization and deductive reasoning, the eccentric took it upon themself to ensure that Oz became exceptionally well-read and well-learned under their mentorship. Above all else, they were certain to drill one thing into his head: truth and knowledge would always reign supreme over any kind of love. Oz was always to observe rather than participate.

An easy enough lesson to teach a child who’s lost everything... so easy, in fact, that when Morgan White murdered his mentor right in front of him, he was far too detached to be bothered.


Morgan White was not a sentimental man. It would’ve been easy enough to kill the witness. Then again, what kind of teenager was unafraid watching his mentor be murdered right in front of him -- so unaffected as to not even offer assistance?

And so Oz was taken in again: this time into White’s “garden” of mercenaries, under the codename Chokecherry. Though his primary duties involved using his skills to keep records and gather intel, his combat training was plenty grueling. After all, there’s little sense in a mercenary who can’t kill ruthlessly.

As one can imagine, for someone whose primary interest in life is truth, Oz has few reservations about such work -- even now that the group is dissolved. Presently, he seems to have moved on from his years of mercenary work easily enough, floating instead from place to place, from interest to interest.

Why Oz has yet to try locating and/or contacting his siblings is a question which cannot be met with any known truth.


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