
1 year, 4 days ago


Boxy is an autonomous property defence robot developed by Nebula Robotics for use in their warehouses. She is composed of 3 boxes; one for her body, and two for her feet, connected by two triple-jointed legs. She is fond of bugs, Nebula Robotics employees, flowers, birds, and other passive animals, but will not hesitate to shoot them dead if need be. She’s sentient and happy, but almost entirely apathetic.


Boxy (use any pronouns, I tend to go for she/her) was one of many of her model, the 16th iteration of factory defence robots by Nebula robotics. She didn’t have a name to begin with, just a serial number: BXY-01. She has two modes; engaged, and disengaged. When switched to disengaged, she walks around the warehouse and entertains the human workers, and upon encountering an intruder, will alert higher security to their location. When switched to engaged, she typically does the same; explores, interacts with workers, and acts almost as normal. However, when she encounters an intruder, she uses lethal force. She has gun turrets that extend from within her body and shoot at the intruder with high-power laser pellets, and will not stop until the threat is neutralised, even if she does not want to do so.
Her model was discontinued in 203X following an accident where a worker was shot and killed whilst off the clock for being mistaken as an intruder due to his lack of uniform. The company executive ordered a recall of all defence robots, including Boxy. She managed to escape the culling of her model by pure luck, hiding away within the vast warehouse where she was hidden and avoiding all workers sent to find her.
Shortly after, a cataclysmic event caused by Nebula robotics resulted in an end-of-the-world situation, with devastating effects worldwide.
Boxy’s warehouse remained fairly untouched, despite the chaos around it, so she was unharmed. She had no knowledge of what happened, but knew that all her connection to Nebula Robotics’ wide area network had been severed, so she could no longer communicate to anyone. About a month into the apocalypse, Boxy was discovered by a nebula robotics employee by the name of Drew. Drew was a field engineer, and monitored robots within the factory. When the apocalypse hit, he decided to stay in the factory, living off the canned goods held within the facility. He knew what boxy was and how she operates, and let her stay in his camp. She became ’fond’ of drew, as fond as a robot can feel, and stuck with him. The two were in each others company for the better part of a year, drew going so far as to give her the name Boxy and give her a face with permanent marker. He also switched her to engaged mode, and she would patrol the vicinity of their camp and ward off any animals or people who might try to get to them. Drew cared deeply for Boxy, attributing her to saving his life on many occasions.

Their companionship terminated when Drew went out scavenging and discovered a container of clean clothes. He’d been living in his employee uniform for the past year, so donned a new outfit before returning to camp. Unfortunately, his trust in Boxy was what killed him. He trusted her with his life, and over the year she was around him, he personified her and almost forgot she was still just a robot. A robot whose model had a tendency to make mistakes when identifying intruders, no less. Because he was out of his uniform, Boxy failed to register him as a worker of the company, and instead saw him as an intruder. Before he could realise his mistake, Drew was shot dead by Boxy. She didn’t feel guilt, nor did she mourn at all. She was fond of drew, sure, but at the end of the day she’s just a security robot who doesn’t have the emotional depth to process what she did. 

Boxy continued roaming the facility, interacting with passive animals and singing chip-tune songs with her single-tone voice, as well as shooting enemies and intruders dead on sight, hunting them like sport. Still, when she needs to recharge, she returns back to the camp she and Drew shared, since it’s a nice spot that gets enough sun to activate her solar panels. She doesn’t seem to mind the fact that his corpse is still there.

Design traits; DOs and DONTs

>DO draw her in any state you’d like; scratched, scrapped, brand new, etc

>DO draw her expressively; dancing, singing, or doing something mundane. Anything you want, really!

>DO keep her a cube shape

>DO stick to her colours/patterns (metal body, red striped corner pieces, etc)

>DO keep the drip on her eye!

>DO draw her with gore! (If it’s awfully heavy though, please DM me on discord and check it’s okay!!)

>DONT draw any NSFW of her or drew

>DONT remove her nebula robotics branding

>DONT neglect aspects of her design plz

DM me on discord if you have any further questions!
