kate aubert



1 year, 13 days ago


kate aubert

"woah, i nearly died there...sorry."


aliases -

age 17

d.o.b march 24

gender female

pronouns she/her

sexuality no preference

race/ethnicity french

voice claim AURORA

occupation -

affiliation St. Ann's Hospital

mbti enfp

status alive

the beatles - here comes the sun


optimist • kind • easygoing

kate is really just your average kindhearted girl. she cherishes all the strong connections she has made with people as someone who hates feeling alone. with her mentality of going with the flow, she doesn’t stay fixated on problems for too long. she keeps her mind open to different ideas and thoughts, making sure not to lose herself when things go wrong, and will even settle for outcomes that are just okay. at first glance, people think she has her head stuck in a daydream, and, well, guilty as charged. half the time kate has no idea what’s going on around her which can produce a hefty amount of confused looks pointed directly at her.

kate is filled with a childlike wonder for life. coming across that first nature documentary made her realize she has to appreciate things for what they are, and to not hold back. seize every opportunity presented in itself even despite certain limitations. there is never a dull moment when talking to kate. she wants to lift up peoples’ spirits rather than allow them to feel sorry for her or themselves.









ever since she was young, the doctors predicted kate wouldn’t make it through those early stages in her life. getting officially diagnosed for a lung disease at 3 couldn’t have been a more perfect birthday gift. the news was difficult to process, especially as a child. her parents kept their promise to be there for her, not wanting her to face this alone. and partly because as her parents they have to pay the hospital bills.

vhs relevation

during periodic jumps from hospital to hospital, she snoops around her patient room to find an old, dusty vhs of a nature documentary. the case is slightly tearing away, the picture fading, but she’s intrigued by its bright blue cover of the ocean and decides to pop the tape into the player. she is greeted by an obvious frenchman with scraggly brown hair explaining the who and the why, and that ever since he started his journey out on sea, he has filmed it all. although grainy, she can’t help but feel mesmerized when she’s hit with sequences of ocean animals, and cascades of beautiful scenery. sunsets, clouds, ice formations, and the vast plain of water stretching farther than the eye can see. during the closing sequence, the same man appears, who looks older and inspired. he says farewell to the tape in a speech about how the lives we all lead are precious. “i have not died on this trip, and i will not die on this adventure because i believe in the gift of living. you cannot change the fate you’ll eventually fall under, that wouldn’t make living what it is. i am jacques, and this is me making the most of my life.” is what he said before the final end credits. it’s life changing when advice like that sticks with you. reclined on her hospital bed, kate comes to realize that every moment you experience is special, even the bad ones because at least you lived through them.

hold onto hope

when she moved to flaheur, kate expected not to make any friends at school. an asthma attack on the first day probably, but not friends. her new group, consisting of sucie, tea, and snail, were everything she expected and more on what friends are considered to be. she finds herself freely spilling out all the information and ideas she had just kept to herself. they listen and kate hears them right back. a few months afterward, she decides to explain to them about the disease that has been clawing at her lungs for the past few years. they take it shockingly well, as in not feeling like they’re obliged to be sorry for her, and it reminds her how grateful she is to have them. they’re like a second family to her, a home. and it’s proof when she feels homesick after having to leave them for switzerland.


  • nature
  • the color blue
  • her friends
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  • hospital food
  • being alone
  • awkward silences
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  • she had asthma when she was younger
  • her nurse at the hospital allowed her to keep the vhs tape because she would watch it so frequently
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height 5'3

weight -

build slim

skin pale

eye hazel

hair blonde with blue strands

demeanor calm, friendly, easygoing

style comfortable, airy

other -


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  • her clothes change, but almost always wearing a dark colored cardigan (or a hospital gown)
  • tiny shirt, big pants
  • -
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simon "snail" clement [ friend ]

“i really had no idea what to expect when i first met him. he had never been one for long conversations, but after a few chance meetings, my favorite being at mcdonalds, we’re closer than ever. he gives me all the updates on everything back home in his letters.”

sucie arnaud [ friend ]

“her trust in me has grown over the years which makes me feel really accomplished because if you know sucie, then you’ll understand it takes her some time to warm up to new people. we’ve had our fair share of discussions about all kinds of conspiracy theories, and our common love for nature. when i still lived in flaheur, i joined her during some rituals, and every now and then i use the practices she taught me. they have helped clear my mind.”

tea le blanc [ friend ]

“she was the first person that actually wanted to talk to me when we were all just 14. i really owe it to her for doing that. she’s the type of person i can lean on for the right advice, and knocks some sense into peoples’ heads when they’re acting like nitwits.”