Reverend Managarm



6 years, 1 month ago



Covered in a thick coat of white fur, this peculiar holy wolfman resembles an anthropomorphic spitz dog more than a worgen. He's both short and stocky, a silhouette of softness enveloped in perpetual moonlight; the antithesis of a stereotypical Gilnean, although the presence of sharp teeth and claws reminds the viewer that this creature still bears a curse despite his apparent spirituality.

As a worgen, his most notable markings are the wisps of grey between and under his sea-blue eyes. In human form, he's slightly shorter but similarly built, with short white hair and a rounded face framed by smile lines and chin fuzz. His expression is usually pleasant and calm, his aura genuinely empathic yet detached. Lost in abstract thought, tethered to reality by a lingering concern for life.


A truly warm-hearted soul, Managarm wants little more than to aid his allies and bring peace to the world. While he grew up believing he was too weak to make a difference, he's proud of what he has become and makes use of his strengths to protect others. His secondary focus is spreading positivity about the worgen 'curse' with respect to Goldrinn and Elune, as he believes the worgen's wild spirit has the potential to help a great many people. However, a natural timidness has followed him into adulthood; so he tends to hide when a situation is beyond his ability, or if he cannot summon the energy to illuminate the 'fearless' beast within. He is also trusting to a fault, and may ignore red flags out of blind faith.  


Born to an affluent couple in northern Gilneas, Managarm's childhood wasn't particularly turbulent. This mother, fearing that their 'soft' son wouldn't make much of himself in the world, sent him to the nearest branch of the Church of Light to be an altar boy until he was old enough to train for a clergy position while they remained largely absent on voyages. This wouldn't bother him as it would most children, as it gave the nervous child an excuse to avoid socializing - until one day, when he found himself infatuated with a local schoolmate. She did not return his affections when approached in public, pushing her embarrassed suitor back into hiding as he took the awkward experience to heart. However, a love for Gilneas and trust in the Light kept the young priest focused on the path his family chose for him.

While his parents disappeared shortly before the Greymane Wall was constructed, the 27-year-old would eventually ascend the ranks of the church, but didn't have the chance to enjoy his life as a reverend for long before the worgen curse descended upon Gilneas. He was one of the first afflicted, bitten by an injured worgen he encountered in the woods. Isolating himself as long as possible in hopes of passing the fever, someone happened to visit his church at the wrong time and became Managarm's first victim. Ignited by his first taste of human flesh, he would spend quite a while in the wilderness before the Cataclysm struck and Gilneas was invaded by the Forsaken. He'd eventually find his own way to the Ritual of Balance through the Bloodfang Pack, but emerged from this experience a completely different creature than the man he was born as, and the wolf he lived as for so long.

The reborn priest would embrace the essence of Goldrinn, striving to reach a state of purity that his ancient kin might have attained through the power of nature. Despite this infusion of pride for what others would consider a curse, he still hoped his open-ended spirituality would help him find another route to peace and sought out the Priestesses of Elune for further guidance. After living amongst the Kaldorei in Teldrassil and incorporating their ways into his own beliefs, he found himself adopting the title of 'moon priest' and joining a mission to mainland Kalimdor just in time for the great tree to succumb to the Horde's fire in his absence. The loss of life was too much for him to bear, and he retreated north to meditate until a greater purpose called for his healing skills.
