Angelo Ryder



1 year, 19 days ago


Angelo Ryder

A celestial messenger, their footsteps dance between worlds, a fusion of Hermes' wit and Cupid's tender touch- a heavenly embodiment of pure sunshine.

Gender Male
Pronouns He/They
Age 23 years
DoB July 17th
Sign Cancer
S.O. Demisexual
Height 6ft 5in
Alignment Lawful Good
Occupation Messanger
Hometown Innwards Peak
Hey there! How's it going, my empathetic Dreamer?
Hey! 🌟 Just wandering through nature, seeking inspiration for my latest papercraft project. How about you? How's your day been?
Sounds wonderful! My day's been good, but I'm facing a dilemma. Can I share it with you?
Of course! I'm here to listen and support you, always. πŸ’– What's on your mind?
I've been offered two exciting opportunitiesβ€”one in music and the other with an environmental organization. I can't decide which path to take. I'm torn.
Trust your intuition, dear friend. 🎢🌿 Listen to your heart, and the right choice will reveal itself. I believe in you!
Thanks, I needed that encouragement. πŸ™πŸ’• You're a true friend.
Anytime! πŸ€— You've got this, and whichever path you choose, it'll lead you to incredible adventures and growth. Remember, I believe in you and your potential to shine in anything you pursue.
You always know how to lift my spirits. Thanks for being the sunshine in my life! I'm grateful to have a friend like you.
And I'm grateful to have you as a friend too, dear one. πŸŒžπŸ’• Remember, I'm just a message away if you need a listening ear or someone to bounce ideas off. Together, we'll embrace whatever lies ahead.
You're the best support system a friend could ask for. πŸŒˆπŸ’– Thanks for being there, Dreamer. Sending you a hug!
Aww, thank you! πŸ€— Hugs right back at you! Take your time with your decision; I'll be here whenever you need me. Take care, my wonderful friend! 🌼😊
Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Polite Sassy
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Lone wolf Team player
Archetype The Dreamer
Leading trait Empathy
Biggest flaw Indecisiveness

Design notes

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec adipiscing elit.
  • Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
  • Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.
  • Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.
  • Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

  • Warm Hugs
  • Starlit Skies
  • Sweet Treats
  • Writing Letters
  • Discord
  • Sour or Bitter Foods
  • Insincerity
  • Wasting Paper
  • Candle Making
  • Birdwatching
  • Papercrafts
  • Collecting Vintage Postcards
