


6 years, 1 month ago


Evangeline, The Conflicted

Mature, Unnerving, Wise

6 (Ageless/PPS)
N/A (Child)
N/A (Child)
N/A (Child)
Quiet, creepy, wise, knowing, mature, conflicted
Closed (PPS)


  • Dark things
  • Monsters
  • Her family (Daddy's girl)
  • Candy
  • Cloudy/Rainy days


  • Her thoughts/Conflicting
  • Overly bubbly people
  • Emotions
  • Lack of aging


Conflicted and confused. She struggles any time a task that involves moral decisions pops up. She does her best to understand right from wrong, though her nature blurs the line substantially. Being young does not make things any easier for her and she oftentimes makes the 'wrong' decision. She hates to see disappointment...or even worse...fear...in her fathers eyes. There is nothing worse to her than that. Unlike most children, she has a vast comprehension of certain things. She has been a child for quite some time and will never cease to be. Her physical state will always remain young, as her father believed it would help keep Evangelines demonic nature in check. Easily hurt, as well as angered, Eve's emotions seem to rule her. She does her absolute best to try and be a good girl, the approval of her father being what spurs her towards this goal. She loves her father and mother dearly, though it is safe to say that she is a daddy's girl. She does everything for him and no one on earth has the power to hurt her with a look the way he does. Eve is a child in body but her mind has aged like any other. Though she would have been somewhere in her teens by now, her body does not age. Eve, unlike most children, suffers from the additional tug towards darkness by her demonic nature. She constantly struggles with a desire to hurt others, even to the point of full on murder. She has been taught, very firmly, though, to never give in to such impulses, and to do so would spell the end of her and everything she is working for. Due to eve's advanced mental state, as well as having lived as long as she has, she has grown familiar with the ability of manipulation. Due to being stuck as a child, she finds that she can get away with certain things much easier than an adult would. Perhaps this is giving in to the dark side of things, but she just chalks it up to being 'a kid', or so she uses the excuse of. Despite such frightening things though, at her core she is still a typical child. Wanting the approval of her parents, wanting friends to play with, and wanting nothing more than to be loved. She simply has more to struggle with and to understand than the average child.


Eve's is a simple story. Birthed into the world by a mother and father whom went against the world. A religious warrior and a demon...Dove and Fenris created a place where the world was kept out. Where the prejudice and hate did not reach. Within this place a home was built and soon a family. Eve was the first and only actual child of the couple. Ronia being adopted by Dove some time just before her birth. Eve was brought up in a household of pure love. Despite this, though, the demonic nature still flows inside of her...It is hard to resist ones nature. She has trained under her father since the day she could walk, foregoing a ritual to seal away a good portion of the demonic flow. This also keeps Eve young, though, ageless. She can not and will not age due to the ritual her father preformed. She has come to terms with this, for now, though her mental status continues to grow even though her body does not. She sometimes longs for a life of growing up, being an adult and getting to experience things like school or work or graduation. Due to this, her father allowed her to work for a cafe. It is a delightfully creepy place that appeals to Eve's darker nature and allows her to feel more free than she can elsewhere. Though she is only able to work short periods she has come to love the job and everything that goes on inside. Both in the light of day as well as not.

HTML by lowkeywicked