

8 years, 7 months ago





WARNING: HMCL and O5 Approval Required

The file you are attempting to access is available to personnel with Level 5/2000 clearance only. 

Attempting access beyond this point without necessary clearance is grounds for termination of Foundation employment and cancellation of all educational, medical, retirement, and mortality benefits. In the event of unauthorized access, this console will become inoperable. Attempting to access this file from any computer not connected to the Foundation Intranet will result in immediate termination regardless of clearance.

Item #: SCP - 30XX

Object Class: Euclid Thaumiel 

Special Containment Procedures: Item SCP-30XX is to be contained in a locked living quarters within Sector 2A - Site 19██, coordinates 5█° 00' N and 1█° 00' E . No other SCP cases are permitted within a fifthy foot ( 50ft ) radius of the Subject. It is allowed one ( 1 ) bed, and three ( 3 ) books at a time. Item does not require maitnance and can be left alone for long periods of time. SCP-30XX is allowed educational textbooks only, ranging from middle school to college level difficulty. Do not speak to the Item unless authorized, regardless of its attempts at communication. ADDENDUM 30XX - 1: IN CASE OF CONTACT WITH OTHER SCP - SUBJECTS, IMMEDIATELY PUT FACILITY ON LOCK DOWN, INFORM TASK FORCES AND EVACUATE TO SAFE ROOMS. 

Description: Item is humanoid, presenting as an adolesent boy. Item is intellengt and has shown an interest in learning human culture. Under survelance and tutalege of Dr.C██, SCP-30XX has developed the ability to understand and implement sign language to communicate. Item has shown an apptitude for retaining information and appears to mimic the mannerisms of its care takers. It has shown no forward hostility towards facility researchers and other lower class personel; subject has adopted a polite speech pattern and willingness to help with its research. Subject 30XX has expressed a desire to know more about its origins and has led Dr.C██'s team to conclude that it doesn't have knowledge of its own being. It has been allowed up to three ( 3 ) educational textbooks at a time, to test its understanding and retention. Currently, Item has exceeded expectations. Further observation of its physical attributes are needed to conclude the extent of its abilities; Sector 2A Team has moved Item to the Euclid Class. ADDENDUM 30XX - 2: SCP - 30XX HAS BEEN REASSIGNED TO THAUMIEL CLASS WITH ALL RESTRICTIONS IMMEDIATELY EFFECTIVE AS OF 7/1█/20██. 

Addendum: ( Addendum 1 and 2 in text above. )

ADDENDUM 30XX - 3: Item has shown clear uncontrollable hostility around other SCP Subjects. Attempts at communicating with It has proven both futile and deadly. Effective immediately, all personel must evacuate the premises of the Item while It is enraged. Only those with Level 4 Task Force Clearance are authorized to deal with the threat. Should Subject 30XX engage with another Item, it has been observed and confirmed that It will devour the offending Case; effectively destroying the other SCP. With its task complete, Item reverts to its docile inclination and allows itself to be escorted to its holding cell. Subject has been noted to briefly slumber for a period of one week to ██ days after consuming another anomoly. When questioned, Item has answered that It was "simply carrying out its primary function". Dr.C██ has requested to further study SCP - 30XX's statement. Her request was initially denied but that decision was later overturned. 

ADDENDUM 30XX - 4: With permission to further study the Item's cannablization of other SCP units, Sector 2A Team has concluded that SCP - 30XX's function is to erase other anomolies by consumption. Other Items sacrificed to SCP - 30XX do not return. The foundation has lost three SCP Items to SCP - 30XX; Euclid SCP-20██ and Keter objects SCP-24██ and SCP-31██. All researsh conducted in association to the Object's consumption of other items have been henceforth cancelled and condemable. In addition, SCP - 30XX is no longer to be given textbooks at its leisure. 

ADDENDUM 30XX - 5: Dr.C██'s audio log recording, dated 10/2█/20██ -

Audio Log #18: The Date is 10/2█/20██, my name is Dr.C██, the lead scientist studying SCP 30XX. This is audio log number 18. After the last log, we chose to appeal to the Council for another chance to observe the Object in its frenzied state. Our initial querry was denied but the dismissal was repealed earlier yesterday morning. We chose to proceed immediately, introducing SCP 30XX to another Object: Keter class SCP 24██. We noticed immediate agitation and mutations to the Item's physical being. The skin of its lower face split open to reveal thin rows of three inch long teeth. Its fingers extended to a maximum length of eleven inches, razor sharp and capable of slicing through stone. Object vocally cried out in a series of primal hisses and roars that can only be described as unearthly. The Items proceeded to fight to the death. SCP 24██ was noted attempting to stab SCP 30XX but it appears as though the Item's skin was inpenetrable. SCP 30XX attacked with Its claws and once It gained a firm purchase of the other Subject, It began to eat SCP 24██. It was then that SCP 24██ seemed to stop fighting and was noted presumably trying to flee. 

SCP 30XX ate Keter class SCP 24██. SCP 24██ has not shown any signs of reemerging. I believe we need to run further tests before concluding whether or not being consumed by SCP 30XX is a true "death sentence". As of right now, █:██PM, SCP 30XX has been placed back into containment under heavy surveilance. The Item appears to be in a state of slumber similar to its first time eating another Item (Euclid class SCP 20██). We will continue with experiments promptly after this audio log. Dr.C██ signing off.







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  Null, an original SCP anomoly that will never be posted to the actual site ever laughs. 
   He's for my own use and play, I don't really care to have him evaluated as an actual 
   SCP on the website. He's an SCP that eats other SCPs, essentially killing them. He 
   describes it as cancelling them out or making them into nothing. He's pretty nice if you
   aren't an SCP though (he doesn't get as frenzied around subjects that're calm/don't 
   pose an immediate threat). 

▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅

  Inquisitive and clever, Null wants to learn. He frequently asks why things 
  are as they are, and challenges boundaries. He's content to let himself be 
  experimented on and let himself be contained. He's extremely neutral and
  doesn't understand human emotions but tries to emulate them to the best 
  of his abilities. Very polite and charming to talk to, but extremely manipulative. 

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- - ♚ His fingers can retract/lengthen and sharpen. When he's calm they're only as sharp as dull knives and relatively 
        human length. When enraged they extend and sharpen enough to cut through metal and rock. 
- - ♚ He has to sleep after consuming another SCP, maybe to digest or just because he's tired. 
- - ♚ Really likes to read and talk to people, he loves learning new things and testing that knowledge. He's very curious 
        about human relationships and what makes them who they are. He's studying them as much as they're studying him. 
- - ♚ Chose the name Null even though not many people refer to him as such. He doesn't mind, he just thought that having 
        a name would be interesting and make him more personable. He wants people to talk to him (to let down their guard). 
- - ♚ He wouldn't hurt someone if unprovoked (or even provoked) but he also won't help them. He's an observer. Even if 
        he acts kind and polite, he's only mimicking human behavior. He doesn't actually feel much of anything beyond curiosity
        and a want to fulfill his own interests. If it would help his quest for knowledge, he would help someone. If it wasn't beneficial 
        he would probably only watch them; unmoved by any pleas for help or curses upon him for not lending a hand. 
- - ♚ Although he's technically agender/has no sex, he chose male pronouns to further make himself more 'human'. He looks like 
        a boy, so why not address himself as he. It's just another thing that personafies him in a way that'll help him communicate. 
- - ♚ Null can't speak and usually doesn't have a mouth. Even when his maw is open he can only roar and make simple noises. 
        His skin is sand papery and cold to the touch, but inpenetrable by any known means. His figure is emaciated and pure white. 
        His right eye is hollowed and oozes a thick blood like liquid. He sometimes covers himself with face masks and eyepatches.