Rose Blackwing



1 year, 3 months ago


  • Name: Rose Blackwing

  • —Family—
  • Father: Darick Blackwing (1/2 Avian blood) - dead
  • Mother: Amelia Blackwing (Human) - dead
  • Grandfather: Jharle Blackwing (Avian) - age old/unknown
  • Grandmother: Sophia Blackwing: (human) - dead

  • —Status—
  • Gender: Female
  • Partner: none
  • Children: none
  • Age: 21
  • Hobby: composing music, Traditional Avian dances, and learning languages.
  • Ability: flight (wings)
  • Magic: none
  • Weapon(s): pocket knife.
  • Fighting ability: street fighting, handguns.

  • —Physical description—
  • Hair: black
  • Skin: fair
  • Eyes: Light green
  • Ears: average human looking
  • Height: 5’ 6” 
  • Weight: 150 lbs
  • Posture: stands tall and proud (reflected in personality)
  • Clothing: open backed black halter top with dark blue or black jeans, black socks and black sneakers. (Unless wearing traditional outfit: navy blue halter top + navy blue baggy short pants with silver embroidery and silver adornment that dangle off the ends, a clear black veil that covers her mouth and nose and another veil that is attached to the waist of her pants, and loose silver bracelets and anklets.)
  • Makeup: black eye liner
  • Tattoos: a raven with outspread wings on her lower back.

  • —Personality—
  • Often acts like a cool teenager/young adult she has quite a temper. Without warning she is liable to snap at you. She is also hard to gain her trust. And though she does not have siblings or family around she tends to have a soft heart towards little children. —Background—When Rose was just a baby her parents were killed by humans who thought that Avian kind and Human kind should not interbreed. Having no other family to support her she was taken in by her over aggressive grandfather, Jharle Blackwing. Rose knows nothing of her grandfathers background as he was not the type to open up. The secrecy, and the fact Jharle was just plain cold hearted, drove Rose to follow closely in his footsteps. Turning into the person she feared most.Now an adult, Rose left on her own to make a better life for herself after many years slaving for Jharle by stealing, conning people out of everything they own and even mugging, though she refused to murder. She knew there’re must be something beyond the four walls of the criminal lifestyle, so, even with a tarnished record she fled her area, traveling many miles away in search of a new life.

  • —Outlook on life—
  • Rose tends to think very lowly of herself, having a criminal record and all, but she takes great pride in her ability to dance, create music, and fight. (She knows only what the streets have target her for survival but she was good at it.)Having never darkened a church door, or any other belief, she knows nothing of the different religions, other the. The fact that those who go to churches had a tendency to be a lot nicer to her then those that didn’t. Due to her past Rose is haunted by memories of things she has done. To herself, to others, and what others have done to her. Often, when she is sleeping, she has night tremors, waking up in a cold sweat, clawing at her arms or gnawing her hands. —Characteristics—Greatest strengths: strong willed (often to the negative but can be used for positive.), will protect others if she sees them being attacked, good cook, great dancer, and obsessed with keeping fit.Greatest weaknesses: hot tempered, lack of ability to love others, no manners, rude/impolite, selfish and too proud to admit she is ever wrong.Greatest fear: being chained up/made unable to fly. And also, being mistreated by men she has a tendency to dislike them, and even fear them. But deep in hear heart she searches for that one that will win her heart and break away her fears.

  • —Favourites and interests—
  • Favourite books: suspense, thriller, and drama.
  • Favourite songs: Traditional Avian Music, punk and rock.
  • Favourite movies: suspense and thriller.
  • Political perspective: all leaders are corrupt.
  • Best gift she could ever receive: a black thorny rose (the only thing she has in memory of her mother is a picture of one in her mothers hand as she smells the rose, though in the picture she can not see her mothers face except her nose and mouth as the picture was burned and that was all that was saved from the fire that she has.)

  • —Expressions and attitudes—
  • What makes her laugh: others getting hurt (epic fails being the gut buster), pranks, and sarcasm (usually her own).
  • How she acts when angry: she curls up her face into a scowl and often flairs her wings open. If angered enough she will land a quick punch or kick to the nearest threat or aggravation (sometimes it’s a wall or her own shadow.)
  • How to easily cheer her up: #1 hurt or feign your own injury (guaranteed to get a chuckle) or #2 sit with her in silence, letting her emotions sort themselves out. Anything else might make her angry or angrier.